當前位置:律師網大全 - 律師諮詢 - 法律英語


人民法院 People's Court

人民檢察院 People's Procuratorate

認定事實 determinefacts

上訴案件 case oftrialofsecondinstance;appellatecase

上訴人 appellant

上訴狀 petition forappeal

涉外律師lawyers specially handling foreign-related


申請復議 administrative reconsideration petition申請加入律師協會 application foradmission to Law


申請人 petitioner;claimant

申訴案件 appealcase

申訴人(仲裁) claimant;plaintiff

申訴書 appealforrevision, petition forrevision實習律師apprenticelawyer;lawyerin probation period

實習律師證 certificate ofapprentice lawyer

視聽證據 audio-visualreference material

適用法律 applylaw tofacts

受害人 victim

書證 documentary evidence

司法部 Ministry ofJustice


司法局 Judicial Bureau

司法局副局長 deputy directorofJudicial Bureau

司法局局長 directorofJudicial Bureau


送達 serviceofprocess

訴訟 litigation;action;lawsuit

訴訟當事人 litigation party;litigious party

訴訟業務 litigation practice

訴狀 complaint; bill of complaint; statement of claim

推銷法律服務 promote/marketlegalservice

外國律師事務所 foreignlaw ofice

委托代理合同 authorized representation contract

委托代理人 agent ad litem;entrusted agent



嫌疑人 criminalsuspect

項目融資 projectfinancing

項目談判 projectnegotiating

刑事案件 criminalcase

刑事訴訟 criminallitigation

行政訴訟 administrative litigation

休庭 adjourn the court;recess

宣判 pronouncejudgement;determination

宣誓書 affidavit

業務進修 attendancein advanced studies

壹審案件 caseoftrialoffirstinstance

與國外律師事務所交流 communicate with foreignlawfirms

原告 plaintiff

證券律師 securitieslawyer

證人證言 testimony ofwitness;affidavit

執行筆錄 execution record

執業登記 registration for practice

執業範圍 scopeofpractice;sphere ofpractice;

practice area

執業申請 practiceapplication

執業證年檢 annualinspection oflawyer license仲裁arbitration

仲裁案件 arbitration case

仲裁機構 arbitration agency

專門律師 specialized lawyer

專職律師 professionallawyer;full-timelawyer

撰寫法律文章 writelegalthesis

資信調查 credit standinginvestigation

自訴案件 private prosecutingcase


案件 case

案件發回 remand/rimit a case(to alow court)

案件名稱 title ofa case

案卷材料materialsinthe case

案情陳述書 statement of case

案外人 person otherthaninvolvedin the case

案值 totalvalueinvolvedin the case

敗訴方 losing party

辦案人員 personnelhandlingacase

保全措施申請書 application for protective measures

報案 report a case(to security authorities)

被告 defendant;the accused

被告人最後陳述 finalstatement ofthe accused

被告向原告第二次答 rejoinder

被害人 victim

被害人的訴訟代理人 victim’sagent ad litem

被上訴人 respondent;theappellee

被申請人 respondent

被申請執行人 party against whom execution is filed

被執行人 person subject to enforcement

本訴 principalaction

必要***同訴訟人 partyin necessary co-litigation

變通管轄iurisdiction by accord

辯護 defense

辯護律師 defense attorney/lawyer

辯護人 defender

辯護證據 exculpatory evidence;defense evidence

辯論階段 stage ofcourt debate

駁回反訴 dismiss a counterclaim;reject acounterclaim?

駁回請求 deny/dismissamotion

駁回上訴、維持原判 reject/dismiss the appealandsustain the originaljudgement/ruling駁回訴訟 dismissan action/suit

駁回通知書 notice ofdismissal

駁回自訴 dismiss/reject a private prosecution

駁回自訴裁定書 rulingof dismissing private

prosecuting case

補充答辯 supplementary answer

補充判決 supplementaryjudgement

補充偵查 supplementaryinvestigation

不公開審理 trialin camera

不立案決定書 written decision ofno case-filing

不批準逮捕決定written decision of disapprovingan arrest

不起訴 nolpros

不予受理起訴通知書 notice of dismissalofaccusationby the court

財產保全申請書 application for attachment;application for property preservation

裁定 order; determination(指最終裁定裁定管轄 jurisdiction by order

裁定書 order;ruling



查封 sealup


撤訴 withdrawalawsuit

撤銷立案 revoke acase placed on file

撤銷原判,發回重審 rescind the originaljudgementand remand the case ro the original court for retria



傳喚 summon;call

傳聞證據 hearsay

答 answer;reply

答辯陳述書 statement ofdefence

答辯狀 answer; reply

大法官 associatejustices;justice

大檢察官 deputy chiefprocurator

代理控告 agencyforaccusation

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