Bijan (finishes raises): Finishes by the name brand clothing designerraises the modulation, the most expensive perfume, has rich and themystical Eastern fragrance, each ounce 300 US dollars.
Joy (is happy): Promoted by Paris clothing designer Shang Badu, itsjasmine fragrance, was worthy of the name can take to the female to behappy, each ounce 230 US dollars.
Tiffany (in every): Graceful European style, by jasmine and rosefragrance primarily, mix forest main key, each ounce 200 US dollars.
Diva (Di baby): The complicated fragrance, suits most fashionable andthe most romantic woman, produces by graciousness 加羅 company, eachounce 190 US dollars.
Opium (opium): The rich Eastern fragrance, is mystical but 誘惑力,聖洛 the bright company produces, each ounce 175 US dollars.
Caleche (small horse-drawn vehicle): The Chinese mugwort you flatteradvertisement perfume, each ounce 170 US dollars.
Arpege (Ai Peizhi): The refined colored fragrance, simultaneouslysends out the simple breath, promotes by the romantic company, eachounce 170 US dollars.
ChanelNo 5 (summer 奈爾 5): In 1921 went on the market, "5" was thesummer 奈爾 woman's lucky numeral, in its high-quality goods series,no matter the pearl watch chain, the jewelry, take 5 as a unit, itopened the bottle fragrance for the flower fragrance acetaldehydeaccent, continued the fragrance is the banks rose accent, the No 5flower fragrance, fine annotation female's unique charming andcomposed, each ounce 170 US dollars.
Shalimar (summer you are beautiful): The sweet and pretty perfume, hasthe Eastern resin flavor, each ounce 170 US dollars.
I'voire (ivory): The handkerchief gate promotes feminine perfume,fresh style, each ounce 165 US dollars.