當前位置:律師網大全 - 商標查詢 - 高手來,我在線等~~~~請幫忙把以下論文題目翻譯成英語,不甚感激~~~~


1. 從<老人與海>淺議當今社會人與自然的關系

Brief Discussion on the Relationships between Human Beings and the Nature from <The Old Man and the Sea>

2. 淺議<嘉莉妹妹>中人物形象及其社會意義

Brief Discussion on the Personnel Imagines and their Social Significance in <Sister Carrie>

3. 讀<荊棘鳥>有感

Reading Responses of <The Thorn Birds>.

4. 英漢習語的文化差異和翻譯

The Cultural Discrepancy and Mutual Translation of English and Chinese Idioms.

5. 提高英語閱讀速度的主要障礙

The Main Obstacle of Speeding English Reading.

6. 中學生英語興趣的培養

Training of English Interests of Secondary Students.

7. 中學生英語自主學習能力的培養

Training of English Independent Study Abilities of Secondary Students.

8. 淺談寶潔公司產品商標名稱翻譯

Brief Discussion on the Translation of Trade Mark Names of Products Made in The Procter & Gamble Company

其中也可以簡單翻譯為:Brief Discussion on the Translation of Trade Mark Names of P & G's Products.

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