Apart from the number, valence and uniqueness of associations, the study could be further extended by considering another important association property: strength of brand association (Keller 1998).
Associations to do with a brand can be formed and based on several sources (e.g. advertising, word-of-mouth, trial), and some sources are more important than others since they lead to differences in the strength of the association.
除了協會的數字,原子價和獨特之外,研究可能是更進壹步藉由考慮另外的重要協會財產延長: 商標協會 (Keller 1998) 的力量.
以商標做的協會能被形成而且基於壹些來源 ( 舉例來說廣告,口頭的,試驗) ,而且因為他們導致協會的力量不同,壹些來源比其它重要。