nice to meet you的意思是很高興見到妳,Nice兔Meet You是對兔年(2023年)的祝福。
nice to meet you 很高興見到妳。
Nice to meet you. 見到您很高興。
nice talking to you 很高興與妳聊天(習慣用語)。
Nice to see you. 見到妳/您很高興。
glad to meet you n.很高興見到妳。
Very pleased to meet you 很高興遇見妳。
It's nice of you to do so 妳這樣做真是太好了。
nice and ... 很…,非常…nice and (後接形容詞或副詞, 表示滿意或贊賞)很, 挺 ..得很meet with 遇見,會見;遇到,碰到。
生存法則就是妳不能脆弱 翻譯成英文是:The rule of life is you can't be vulnerable.