當前位置:律師網大全 - 商標轉讓 - 請問這句話的怎樣翻譯成英文比較好?謝謝


And Groupe Danone is established on 1966, the internationalization strategy beginning to put active business into practice starting from 90's , giant becoming world food industry in close short time in 40, own many international brands, for example DANONE (reach an energy) , LU and EVIAN (lean on cloud). Reach the development being able to consistently devote self to the Chinese marketplace, as far back as reaching energy leben in 1987 beginning to enter China right away, the nineties reaches energy biscuit , water and drink enter the Chinese marketplace consecutively. Now, pass way such as buying , joining share , joint investment, reach can have already used pretty big shares of holdings indirect turn into in China dairy products (the child ha-ha, is getting more strenuously if) the marketplace and the bottled water marketplace laughing at hundred Mrs..

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