當前位置:律師網大全 - 商標註冊 - 泰安市域森汽車用品有限公司怎麽樣?


簡介:我公司成立於2011年,主要生產?汽車頭枕 汽車腰靠 ?汽車坐墊 ?汽車旅行枕 汽車U型旅行枕 坐墊 腰靠 等的專業生產加工企業。我們完全是自有工廠主做和優勢就是:定制、加工、貼牌、和OEM生產,是大量淘寶、天貓、京東等商家店鋪及商超、集團公司指定OEM貼牌供貨商,貨源穩定、長期大量現貨充足供應市場。 ? 我們是天貓:迪莉婭、樂點淘淘、靚點、等(為保護客戶利益不過多展示)多個品牌旗艦店全店貨品供貨商,同時也是他們倉儲、快遞、物流、客服、等售後服務商,公司的誠信、實力和產品質量均獲得業界認可,歡迎各界朋友蒞臨參觀、指導和業務洽談。 我們優勢就是專業和主做生產,我們大力支持和積極鼓勵各大品牌店商前來定制加工。產品定制可換成網上搜不到品牌或客戶提供有資質授權的商標定制生產。同時我們也為微商供貨 網絡分銷 壹件代發,提供現貨庫存、極速發貨、天貓級別的專業售後服務,讓您無後顧之憂。 公司同時擁有多項產品專利、多項作品版權保護登記等,並對擁有的技術、品牌和商標等都進行了保護性註冊。使企業在激烈的網上購物平臺中始終保持競爭力,實現企業快速、穩定的發展。 Tai'an City Sen Automotive Products Co., Ltd. was established in 2011, is the automotive supplies car headrest car lumbar car cushion memory cotton car headrest neck pillow memory foam pillow U-shaped car travel pillow car waist lumbar pillow lumbar slow rebound car head Pillow memory cotton car pillow slow rebound memory pillow cushion car travel pillow natural latex pillow car cervical pillow cervical rehabilitation auxiliary pillow car travel pillow car memory cotton cushions car accessories car equipment etc. It is a professional automotive interior and memory of cotton products R & D Design and production and processing enterprises. The company has a number of utility model patents such as product production and design, a number of works copyright protection registration, and have a number of brands and trademarks owned by the protective registration. So that enterprises in the fierce online shopping platform has always been competitive, to achieve rapid and steady development of enterprises.







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