2.be heavily influenced by 深受...的重大影響
3.His fee was then a British record of $ 28 million.
4.Despite repeated criticism, A has always been supportive of sb.
盡管壹再受批評,A (仍然)支持著...
5.A is struggling to fight for.... A正在努力爭取....
6.It's an opportunity for sb to experience the coaching style of ..... 對。。來說是難得的機會去感受 什麽是訓練
7.De123ce has been a trademark of his team. 。。是他團隊的商標
8.But A's problem this past year was more about sth than anything
9.The way you have the best chance to win a championship is to....
10.The big question still remains, ... 問題尚未解決。。
11.Will workers be OK with having to do more work?
提高工作量 員工都認可嗎?
12.A competent plan that we can follow and be successful with
成功背後少不了 十足的計劃。
13.government policy and market force 政府政策和市場政策
14.As far as saying that I'm going to do sth, there is nothing specific right now. 就我而言我還是得去做點什麽,已經什麽其他選擇了。
15.maximize the potential of sb 潛力最大的人
16.focus much of one's attention on 吸引。。註意
17.gain reputation as 被(人們)尊為.....
18.His dedication and love for the game earned him the respect of others.
他為。。所付出的 得到了他人的尊敬
19.Unlike education or business, football offers a fast route out of grinding poverty. 與教育業和商業不同, 足球是壹個能極快脫離貧窮的事業。
20.virtually 實際上
21.Analysts said that sport in general has become a social elevator. 提高人的社會地位
22.bold exploration 極度探險
23.need to be developed to meet/satisfy increased demand.
24.at a primary stage of development 發展的初級階段
25.transient 短暫的
26.I'm a native of Jiangsu province 我(來自)江蘇省
27.lifetime occasion 人生大事(結婚等)
28.The number of A has been on the rise for the past decade.
A 在過去的十年裏 發展很快
29.choose a happy and easy way to do sth instead of being bound by tradition
30.Sun Zhongshan paved the way toward a Chinese utopia, but could only show it on paper.
孫中山(總希望)實現中國的烏托邦, 但那緊是紙上談兵。
31.A, to some degree, lack the imagination of westerners.
A 從某些程度而言,缺乏西方移民。
32.A believed it could help transform China from a decaying country into a fresh and new one.
33.Sci-fi peaked in the 1970s. 1970年是科幻小說的鼎盛時期。
34.Many firms use tactics designed to hide their intent to gather and profit from the data they collect.
35.We have done our part to provide up-to-date info.
36.With a shared vision for the future, 21st century will prosper.
37.innovative 改革創新的
38.motivate sb to do 鼓勵、刺激。。去幹。。。
39.provide easy access to English education for learners
40.The hosting of the 2008 Olympic games 主辦2008年奧運會
41.the outbreak of SARS SARS 流傳
42.exert a lot of pressure on me to do sth 施加了壓力去做某事
43.The hope of....was shattered when we heard the news. 希望破滅。。當我們聽到這樣的消息時
44.I have still got a big future ahead of me.
45.I are planning on playing football for as long as I continue to enjoy it.
46.It is never route to win a world title. (驚鴻壹瞥)
47.premarital * and homo*uality (?,。。?)
48.My whole life is exposed to my parents, I hate this feeling.
49.Since they have had less freedom, they've gone in pursuit of it.
50.No doubt, the development of information technology has contr123ted its bit in broadening or bending the minds of the 80's generation.
毫無疑問, 信息科技的發展已經限制住了80後的思想。