The Trading Group handles wide variety of products, from Electrical insulating products, Electronic components, thermosetting resin , Industrial Chemicals, Engineering Plastics, and other plastic products. 該貿易集團處理各種各樣的產品,從電氣絕緣產品,電子元器件,熱固性樹脂,工業化學品,工程塑料和其他塑料產品。 We believe we have been providing best match of products to meet our customer request. 我們相信,我們已經提供最佳匹配的產品,以滿足客戶的要求。
■Manufacturing Group ■制造集團
The Manufacturing Group produces epoxy resin, and our polyurethane blended flagship product TERADITE. 該集團生產制造環氧樹脂,聚氨酯和我們的旗艦產品混合TERADITE 。 As same as our Trading Group, the Manufacturing Group has a built a Order-entry system to support customers variety of request. Also, based on our knowledge acquired over the past fifty years, we offer service to produce customer designed products. 壹樣的貿易集團,制造業集團擁有建立了壹個訂單輸入系統,以支持客戶的各種要求。另外,根據我們掌握的知識,在過去50年裏,我們提供的服務產生的客戶設計的產品。
■Sales Organization ■銷售組織
Customer Satisfaction is one of our main goal, and our Sales Group is organized to push further up its capability level to provide the best solution for our customer by constantly interacting with the marketplace . 顧客滿意是我們的主要目標,我們的銷售集團有組織,推動其進壹步上漲的能力水平,提供最佳的解決方案,我們的客戶不斷互動的市場 。 <<Electronics>> “ <電子> ” We are always challenging ourselves and investing in R&D to provide our customers the best solution as their best business partner. 我們壹直在挑戰自己,並投資於R & D在我們的客戶提供最佳的解決方案作為自己的最佳商業合作夥伴。
One of the business line-ups are our Electronic Products, where we provide Multi Layer Print Circuit Board, IC Cards, Microwave Insulating Material, and others. 壹個業務線企業是我們的電子產品,在那裏我們提供多層印刷電路板, IC卡,微波絕緣材料,等等。 In addition to these products, we investigate our customers needs from both engineering and cost performance, at the market and in the market, to realize our customer solution. 除了這些產品,我們調查我們的客戶需要從工程和性價比,在市場和在市場上,以實現我們的客戶解決方案。 Some of our trading goods 我們的壹些貿易貨物 By carrying out synthetic proposal, we are good from you -- it has obtained evaluation. 通過開展綜合建議,我們是好的妳-它已獲得的評價。 Material for Print Circuit Board 材料的印刷電路板
We have been dealing and received high customer satisfaction for Multi-purpose Glass Boards, Multi-sealed Boards, Silver Paste, various of Films & Tapes, and UV Lamps. 我們已處理並得到客戶的滿意度高的多用途玻璃局,多封板,銀漿,各種薄膜及膠帶,以及紫外線殺菌燈。
Printed circuit board 印制電路板 Special Usage Tape 特別使用磁帶
We offer a masking tape required of a printed circuit board manufacturing process, the poly- imide tape required for various electric devices, and various kinds of tapes for a shield. 我們提供了壹個用膠帶所需的印刷電路板制造過程中,聚酰亞胺膠帶所需的各種電氣設備,以及各種磁帶的盾牌。
Various tapes 各種磁帶
〔Data offer: Teraoka Seisakusho Co., Ltd〕 [數據提供:寺岡制作有限公司] Engineering plastics 工程塑料
We are doing the lineup of the broad goods, such as ABS, PI, and NY, from general-purpose BAKE as electronic products, mechanism parts, and assembly parts. 我們正在做的陣容,廣泛的商品,如澳大利亞統計局,有價證券投資,與紐約,來自普通用途BAKE作為電子產品,機械零件,組裝零件。
We have proposed not to mention a material in the organization which was consistent from processing to delivery. 我們建議沒有提及材料的組織,它是壹致的從加工到交貨。
Various engineering plastics 各種工程塑料 Materials for Electric Devicesevice. 材料的電氣Devicesevice 。
We also do business for adhesion sheet and a required heat dissipation sheet, High Functional Resin, and other special tapes. 我們還做生意的粘附負債表和所需的散熱片,高功能性樹脂,以及其他特殊磁帶。 We do not limit ourselves in just providing these product materials, but also provide engineering solution in processing these products. 我們不局限於僅僅提供這些產品的材料,而且還提供工程解決方案在處理這些產品。
Heat dissipation sheet, an adhesion sheet, 散熱負債表,資產負債表的粘附,
〔Data offer: NITTO SHINKO CORPORATION〕 [數據提供:日東神鋼株式會社] House brand products 眾議院品牌產品 The epoxy resin for electricity 該環氧樹脂電力
We offer the epoxy resin which has high reliability in resin and various kinds of device fields for sensors,coil,etc. 我們提供的環氧樹脂,高可靠性的樹脂和各種設備領域的傳感器,線圈等
We also offer it of custom-made as well as a general-purpose epoxy resin. 我們還提供了它的定制,以及壹般用途的環氧樹脂。 The epoxy resin for high reliability 環氧樹脂的高可靠性
For electronic device assembling, we provide a wide product line from high-pressure transformer. 對於電子設備裝配,我們提供了廣泛的產品線從高壓變壓器。 MP TAPE 議員膠帶
We are manufacturing MP TAPE using original technology. 我們正在制造議員膠帶使用原來的技術。
It is broadly used for the use of cover of a transformer, various kinds of shields, etc. 這是廣泛使用的使用涵蓋變壓器,各種肉盾牌等 <<Special Chemical>> “ <Special Chemical> ” We have been focus to innovate and provide Special Chemical Products with nature friendly materials to our customers. 我們壹直註重創新,並提供特別化工產品與自然友好材料,以我們的顧客。
We offer polyurethane and epoxy resin material which are used for the transparent resin of "TERADITE" as a forming related material, a vacuum notes type, RIM molding, etc in a chemical section. 我們提供聚氨酯和環氧樹脂材料,用於透明樹脂的“ TERADITE ”作為壹個形成有關的材料,真空註意到類型, RIM公司成型等化學節。 Moreover, we offer the synthetic wood which is the tool for design models of an ARALDITE brand, and the adhesives of the latest technology. 此外,我們還提供了合成木材這是工具的設計模型的ARALDITE品牌,粘合劑的最新技術。 In electronic material relation, we supply special conductive paste and a special register strike, solder, etc. 在電子材料的關系,我們供應特殊導電粘貼和特殊登記罷工,焊料等 Tooling related material 加工相關材料
We offers the resin for models of TERADITE, and the resin for master models. 我們提供了樹脂模型TERADITE ,和樹脂的主模型。
Furthermore, we offer the submaterials of the tooling relation suitable for the time. 此外,我們還提供了submaterials的模具與適合的時間。 Molding related material 有關材料成型
We offer much material, such as a charge of RIM material suitable for TERADITE transparent resin or small lot production. 我們提供的材料,如收取RIM公司的材料適合TERADITE透明樹脂或小批量的生產。 Electronics related material 電子相關材料
We offer special electric conduction paste and special conductive resin. 我們提供特殊的導電粘貼和特殊導電性樹脂。
Moreover, we are treating the chemical product required for manufacture of electronic products. 此外,我們正在處理的化工產品生產所需的電子產品。 ARAlDITE related goods ARAlDITE相關商品
We do the lineup of the ARAlDITE related goods which it is proud of in the world, and are answering to a customer's needs. 我們陣容的相關商品ARAlDITE它感到自豪的是,在世界上,並回答客戶的需要。
Moreover, we are doing the lineup also of ARAlDITE of special uses, such as an object for injections, and a block for a heat press. 此外,我們正在做的陣容也ARAlDITE的特殊用途,如壹個對象的註射,並阻止了熱新聞。
ARAlDITE adhesives series has also acquired popularity. ARAlDITE膠粘劑系列還獲得普及。
TERADITE Resin for master model & design models TERADITE樹脂的主模型和設計模型
We have been appraised our high quality and engineering capability for our original compounding technology and NC Processing technology. 我們壹直在評估我們的高品質和工程能力為我們的原始復合技術和數控加工技術。 <<Molding Products>> “ <Molding Products> ” By adopting the latest Rapid Production Method, we will provide our total solution from Material Selection to Process Engineering. 通過采用最新的快速生產方法,我們將提供我們的整體解決方案從選材到工藝過程。 Our Mold Productive Division will not only provide designing and manufacturing tools, but also provide our total solution, including the process engineering. 我國模具生產司將不僅提供設計和制造工具,而且也為我們的整體解決方案,包括工程的進程。 In the age where the ability for manufacturing to be in time-to market is getting required more, we believe that our solution can support your business with speed and low cost. 在年齡在制造能力將在時間,市場越來越需要更多的,我們相信,我們的解決方案可以支持您的業務在速度和成本低。 Mass Casting 鑄件質量
The Mass Casting is a recent method developed in Europe to produce mold with ease and less time. 鑄件的質量是近年來開發的方法在歐洲的生產模具,其方便與更少的時間。
In terms of hardening product, the nature of the product makes it very easy for engineers to cut and modify the design and recycle itself. 在強化產品的性質,使它的產品很容易工程師削減和修改設計和回收利用本身。 Therefore, this product is very useful for Metal Pressing etc. 因此,這個產品是非常有用的金屬沖壓等 Simplified Molding System 簡體成型系統
I carry the sample of the manufactured optical molding model, resin type, and cast. 本人攜帶樣品的光學模具制造模型,樹脂類型,及演員。 Stereo Risography 立體Risography
Here is the 3-Dimensional System for Stereo Risography and Printer. 這是3維系統的立體Risography和打印機。 Currently, the demo system is at Bantico Technical Center (Kawasaki). 目前,該演示系統是Bantico技術中心(川崎) 。 RIM Molding System 環成型系統
Here we display our low cost and cost effective plastic mold, and our RIM Molding products manufactured by special processing. 在這裏,我們展示我們的成本低和具有成本效益的塑料模具,而我們的RIM公司制造的產品成型的特別處理。
TERADITE Plastic Molding 塑料成型TERADITE
We are targeting to produce with the minimum lot manufacturing process (10,000 to 50,000 pcs). 我們的目標是生產最起碼的大量生產過程( 10000至50000件) 。
Moreover, at the same time, we are developing discharge manufacturing and as well . 此外,在同壹時間,我們正在開發生產和排放,以及 。 <<Others>> “ <Others> ” Cleanroom 凈室
Power Generator Unit 發電機組
Precision Polishing Apparatus 精密拋光器具
Thorough Examination Machine 徹底檢查機器 Security System 安全系統
Mixer Unit 調音臺股
Press Equipment Unit 出版社裝備股
Vacuum Making Machine 真空機 <<Ecological Works>> “ <Ecological Works> ”
We also provide know-how for harmonizing with the eco-system surrounding us 此外,我們還提供訣竅,以協調與生態系統圍繞著我們 Active Carbon 活性炭
Smoke and Soot Removal Apparatus 煙氣和煙塵去除儀器
Detergent Chemical 洗滌劑化學
Cohesive Chemical 銜接化學
Recyclable Tape 可回收磁帶