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William Henry Gates III, KBE (English: William Henry Gates III, October 28, 1955), commonly known as Bill Gates, is a well-known American entrepreneur, investor, software engineer, philanthropist. Together with Paul Allen, he founded Microsoft. He was the chairman, CEO and chief software designer of Microsoft. He owns more than 8% of the company's common stock and is the company's largest individual shareholder.

Bill Gates was the richest billionaire in the world for 13 consecutive years in Forbes Global Billionaires List from 1995 to 2007. He left Microsoft on June 27, 2008 and donated $58 billion in personal property to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Forbes magazine ranked the richest Americans in 2014, with Bill Gates reaching the top with $81.2 billion in assets.

Gates resigned as CEO of Microsoft in January 2000. He still served as chairman and created a new position for himself as Chief Software Architect. In June 2006, Gates announced that he would change his full-time job to a part-time job at Microsoft, and that he was gradually shifting his responsibilities. He resigned as chairman of Microsoft in February 2014 and remains a technical advisor to assist newly appointed CEO Satia Nadella.

In November 2017, he was elected a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.


威廉·亨利·蓋茨三世,KBE(英語:William Henry Gates III,1955年10月28日-[2]),通稱比爾·蓋茨(Bill Gates),是壹名美國著名企業家、投資者、軟件工程師、慈善家。他與保羅·艾倫壹起創建微軟公司,曾任微軟董事長、CEO和首席軟件設計師,並持有公司超過8%的普通股,也是公司最大的個人股東。


蓋茨在2000年1月辭去微軟首席執行官。他仍然擔任董事長,並為自己創立壹個新職位“首席軟體架構師”(Chief Software Architect)。2006年6月,蓋茨宣布,他將在微軟的全職工作轉變為兼職工作,他漸漸的轉移他的職責。他於2014年2月辭去微軟的董事長,同時仍作為技術顧問,協助新任命的首席執行官薩帝亞·納德拉。




他享受辯論,就想聽到不同觀點,又總是想贏。可是好勝心和好奇心,並沒有影響蓋茨最終成為壹個謙虛的人。(李開復評 )

蓋茨是壹個對技術有熱情、對人類有使命感的人。他有很多財富,但他自己的生活方式很簡單,這種使命感是發自內心的,而不是裝出來的。(張亞勤評 )


他是壹個非常非常聰明的家夥,而且深愛技術。(貝瑞特評 )

比爾·蓋茨賺的錢比人類歷史上所有人都多,他在努力把錢捐獻出去。大多數人也許會把錢用在別的地方,或是只捐出壹點點,並希望別人給他們別上勛章,而不是像比爾·蓋茨那樣,把全部的時間都用在尋找真正行之有效的東西。這就是他畢生的工作。(克林頓評 )

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