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An operator at the same store indicated that she had got the message:


We are given customer care training when we join the company and as an ongoing thing. We are told to smile all the time and that the customer is always right.


A store manager at company C appreciated the difficulty which checkout operators might face on some occasions and how training might help:


. . . it's quite a difficult job . . . they are the ones that come into contact with the customers most . . . they have to deal with the niggles directed at the company.


Because they wear (company C) badges, the customers see them as the company's representatives . . . We tell them not to let out their emotion and to be as polite as possible and to tell themselves that the customers are not having a go at them but at the company and the system.


At company B training in customer care is effectively on-the-job and continuous:


We tell them to try and deal with minor complaints as pleasantly as possible but we emphasise that if they sense they will have a problem they should refer the customer to the deputy manager or myself (store manager) . . . We encourage them to stay when we are dealing with such customers so that they can learn.


At the same company shelf fillers are trained to spot and help the "lost customer", who is a customer "unsure of what they want or where to find what they want".


At company C all staff are expected to carry a plastic card (credit card-size) which reminds them how to deal with customers — in ten points it states that one should smile, make eye contact, greet the customer, apologise for any delay, etc.


Company D provides a contrast with regard to customer care training. Here, customer service is the tenth item on the employee induction checklist, being preceded by a range of rules regarding attendance, etc.


The time clock card is third on the list. Training is minimal. Nonetheless, employees are told in an induction video that "the customer makes pay day possible".


In companies A, B and C the customer care message is put across frequently through a variety of media. For instance, at company A there are posters at all entrances onto the shopfloor which read "smile, you're on (company A) stage".


The same company runs an employee-of-the-month competition where staff nominate persons who have contributed most to helping customers or fellow employees.


The winning member of staff has his or her name posted on the staff notice-board and may feature in the company magazine.


At the end of the year marks are totted up for an employee-of-the-year award. There are customer care committees in every store, whose job it is to generate ideas on how to improve customer service.



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