當前位置:律師網大全 - 商標註冊 - 200高分懸賞!請幫我翻譯!急!!!謝謝



壹 我國現在商標翻譯中存在的問題

我國現在有些商標詞的翻譯只是直接按照字面翻譯成英語, 沒有考慮其民族文化差異, 譯出來的東西有悖於西方文化。我國商標詞英譯時大概存在四種情況:

11 譯名不符目的語文化。例如, 英國人不喜歡大象、頗喜歡熊貓; 意大利人和西班牙人喜歡玫瑰花, 忌用菊花; 在中國文化中, 龍是皇權的象征, 所以中文商標詞有很多的是以“龍”為商標詞的, 而英語中的“龍”(dragon) 則是壹種邪惡的動物, 是兇殘肆虐的, 應當消滅。因此, 英語中沒有以“龍”為商標詞的。又如在中國傳統文化中,“蝠”與“福”諧音, 所以蝙蝠也因此而被當成是吉祥. 有些商品就用“蝙蝠”來命名,如“蝙蝠牌”燈和“蝙蝠牌”吊扇等。但英語文化中把蝙蝠當做瘋狂而眼瞎的吸血動物, 沒有壹點吉祥之意, 所以, 當此類商品銷至英國時自然不受歡迎。

First, existing problems in the translation of brands in China

Today, some of the translations of the Chinese brands are from the literal meanings of their characters without the consideration of cultural differences; therefore, the translations are sometimes not consistent with the western culture. There are four situations in the translation of Chinese brands.

11 the translation does not apply for the culture of the target language. For instance, British people dislike elephants but pandas; Italian and Spanish are in favor of roses while chrysanthemums are their taboo; in Chinese culture, dragon is the symbol of royalty, thus many Chinese brands consist of the character of dragon, while in English, dragon is an evil monster that is vicious and deserve eradicated. As a result, there are no mentions of dragons in any English brand. Another example would be that in Chinese tradition, bat is harmonious with luck in pronunciation, so that bad is also considered auspicious. Some products are named after a bat such as the Bat light and the Bat fan. However, in western culture, bats are crazy and blind animal that feed on blood with any sense of goodness. In this way, products mentioned above are surely not popular in Britain.


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