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婚姻法 marital law;marriage law

包辦婚姻 arranged marriage

財產分割 partition;dismemberment of property

重婚 bigamy

獨生子女 only child

法律婚 legal marriage

非婚生子女 illegitimate child

夫妻***同財產community property

夫妻關系 conjugal relationship

夫妻分居 divorce a mensa et thoro;divorce from bedand board

復婚 resumption of marriage

情感裂破 incompatibility婚

後財產公證 notarization of postnuptial properties

姻婚登記 marriage registration


婚生子女 ligitimate child

中華人民***和國專利局 Patent Office of the People'Republic of China

商標國際註冊 international registration of trademark

商品商標 commodity trademark

服務商標 service trademark

馳名商標 reputed trademark

廣告商標 advertisement trademark

近似商標 similar trademark

商標評審委員會 trade review and appraisal board

商標審查 trademark examination

商標侵權 trademark infringement

商標註冊registered trademark

商標公告 trademark gazette

註冊商標使用許可 licensing of registered trademark

註冊商標轉讓 assignment of registered trademark

商標使用許可協議 trademark licensing agreement

商標事務所 trademark office

商標代理 trademark agency_



發明創造 invention and creation

實用新型 utility model

外觀設計 design;industrial design

發明權right of invention

發現權right of discovery

專利申請 patent application

專利異議objection to a patent

專利公告 patent gazette

專利續展費 renewal fee of patent

專利許可協議 patent licensing agreement

技術訣竅 know-how


專利證書certificate of patent

專利事務所 patent office

專利代理patent agency

商標權 trademark right

使用收益分享權right to share usufruct

利用權right to make use of

獲得報酬權right to get payment

重播權 right of rebroadcasting

錄制權 right of fixation

機械復制權 right of mechanograph;right ofmechanical reproduction

著作鄰接權 neighboring right of copyright

剽竊 plagiary;plagiarism

盜版 pirate

盜版VCD pirated VCD

偽造 forge

工業產權 industrial property

專利權patent right

優先權日 priority date

申請在先原則 prior application rule

使用在先 priority of use

新穎性 novelty

優先權原則a right of priority doctrine

自動保護原則doctrine of automatic protection

特許權使用費 royalties

智力成果intellectual property

著作權 copyright


著作權人copyright owner

創作 creation

作品 opus;product;work

著作人格權 right of personality of copyright

發表權right of publication

署名權 right of authorship;right of paternity

修改權 right of modification;right of revision

完整性保持權 right to maintain integrity

不可侵犯權 inviolability

收回權 right of recall;right of retrieval

自費出版 publish a book at the author's own expense

著作財產權 property right in work

押金 deposit;foregift

預付款 advanced payment

定金 earnest money;deposit

違約金 liquidated damages

法定違約金 liquidated damages by law

約定違約金 liquidated damages by agreement

債的履行 performance of obligation

實際履行原則 doctrine of specific performance

情事變更原則 doctrine of change of circumstances

不當履行 misfeasance

清償 discharge;satisfaction

提存 debtor' s submission of the subject matter ofobligation to competent authority

抵銷 setoff

知識產權 intellectual property

知識產權國際保護 international protection ofintellectual property

國民待遇原則 doctrine of national treatment

精神損害 moral/mental/spiritual damage

醫藥費 hospital treatment expense

醫療費medical charge

撫恤金 pension

慰問金 consolation money

產品瑕疵 defect of product

不當得利 unjust enrichment

無因管理 voluntary service

債的擔保 guarantee of obligation

財產擔保 property guarantee

信用擔保 credit guarantee

讓與擔保 alienation guarantee

保證 guaranty

明示保證 express guaranty

默示保證 implied guaranty

保證人 guarantor

保證合同contract of guaranty/suretyship

保證金 guaranty bond;security deposit

債務的免除 exemption of debt

債的分類 obligatio;obligation

法定之債 legal obligation

任意之債voluntary obligation

簡單之債simple obligation

選擇之債 alternative obligation

主債prime/principal obligation

從債accessory obligation

單壹之債 single obligation

按份之債 several obligation

連帶之債joint obligation

特定之債 certain obligation

種類之債 indefinite obligation

合同之債 contractual obligation

侵權行為之債 tort obligation

損害賠償之債obligation of compensation for injury;obligation of damages

人身損害 damage to person

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