當前位置:律師網大全 - 專利查詢 - 翻譯壹下“公司擁有壹批專家型的技術人才



The company boasts a professional team of skilled experts, managerial talents with modern management consciousness, and high-quality marketing staffs with proficiency in business expertise,


which ensure the sustained sound development of the company.


In addition to the original innovation, integrated innovation and re-innovation for promoting technological innovation, the company continuously enhances the innovation ability to support the upgradation of its products and services by facilitating its technology readiness.

公司申報了多項知識產權發明專利,已有多項獲得了實用新型專利授權,並獲得國家科技部的創新基金支持和國家認定的“高新技術企業 ”稱號。

The company has applied for many invention patents of intellectual property right, been granted several new practical patents, and won the support of Innovation Fund set by National Ministry of Science and Technology and titled as the one of the nation's "New and High Technology Enterprises".

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