[2] "Article 5(2)(b) of the protocol" = 商標國際註冊馬德裏協定第5條(2)(B)
[3] "By this notification,the United States Patent and Trademark Office hereby informs the International bureau": 通過此通知(書), 美國專利 及商標辦公室特此通知國際(商標)局;
[4] "the period for notification of a provisional refusal will expire too late for any
provisional refusal..." : 壹個<臨時駁回的通知期>將到期...對於任何<臨時駁回>已太遲...
[5] "based on an opposition to be notified within the 18 month time limit referred to the protocol." : 因為(商標國際註冊馬德裏協定第5條(2)(B))規定時限: 任何反對必須在18個月內通知.(完畢/ends)