當前位置:律師網大全 - 專利查詢 - 求研發中心預算表



工資 Salary

福利費 Welfare

獎金 Bonus

辦公費 Office charges

專利費 Patent Fee

租賃及物業管理費 Rental and Building management fees

折舊費 Depreciation

工會經費 Labor Union fund

汽車費用 Motor vehicles expenses

固話通訊費 Telephone expenses

移動通訊費 Mobile telephone expenses

郵遞費 Postage expenses

交通及差旅費 Travel and accommodation

物料消耗 Material Usage

教育經費 Training fund

無形資產攤銷 Immateriality assets amortisation

其他攤銷 Other Amortisation

業務招待費 Entertainments expenses

維修保養費 Repair and maintenance

保險費 Insurance

水電費 Water and eletricity

社保費 Social insurance

固定資產\設備費 Asset fee

保安服務費 Security service charges

技術服務費 Technologies service charges

試驗檢驗費 Test expenses

試樣費 Test sample expenses

其他 Sundry expenses

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