當前位置:律師網大全 - 專利查詢 - 幫忙翻譯兩段話,好像是和醫藥有關的……不是特別長,略微學術



The media coverage of the patent generated debate and discussion on the issue, and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)an autonomous institution under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, decided to file for re-examination of the patent.有關專利的新聞報道引起了對於此話題的爭議和討論,印度政府科學與技術部下設的壹個獨立研究機構——科學和工業研究委員會(CSIR)決定申請專利復審。

The challenges before them were many. The claimed subject matter was the use of “turmeric powder and its administration”, both oral as well as locally applied, for wound healing. It was therefore necessary to find adequate evidence in the form of

printed and published information that would constitute “anticipation” of the claimed invention. The prosecution history of the case revealed that the examiner had concluded that prior art had disclosed only the use of ointment, paste etc., and did not provide information on the use of tumieric powder and its application routes.23 That posed the biggest challenge他們前路上的挑戰還有很多,其主張的宗旨是口頭相傳及當地適用的治愈傷口用的“姜黃粉及其經營”的使用,因此有必要找到印刷及報導形式的充分證據,從而能夠達到其所聲張的發明的預期。案件的起訴歷史揭示出,審查者推斷先前的技術僅僅透露了軟膏、漿糊等的使用,而沒有提供姜黃粉的使用及其應用途徑。這造就了最大的挑戰。


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