Satellite TV: Television's inventor is Britain's electronic Engineer John · Baird, in 1923 he could have 8 graph alike installments for his invention to apply for the patent. at the end of 1930 has sold the first television. in 1932, British Broadcasting Corporation has broadcast in the world the first standard television program. Henceforth, the humanity started to march into the television time. Today, the people use ways and so on satellite, disseminates Earth's each corner the television signal. the television in the world the average per person capacity high extremely television (average every 10 people have one) to look over television's development now, may induce is three stages: Machinery black-and-white television, electronic black-and-white television, electronic color television. machinery black-and-white television stage the 1848 year, in Italy's Kasai has invented chemistry telephotography system, took the lead to realize the method which used electricity carries on the long-distance range transmission picture between Arab League Mi Ang and Paris the miracle. Afterward, telephone's invention, the selenium photosensitive characteristic discovery are conduct the television research the earliest initiation. Various countries' scientists impatient want to realize “the method which uses electricity to see the distant place moving scene the desire”. in 1884, Nepal sprinkled Shinao first to obtain the mechanical television to use the scanning disc patent of invention. Hereafter, the electric eye, the cathoderay tube, the vacuum diode, triode's invention has laid the solid foundation for television's birth. the 1920-1930 year, many scientists proposed and test have realized the image signal transmission and the receive plan with the mechanical scanning method. Thus is called this time is “the machinery black-and-white television stage”. In mechanical television's development aspect, the one who makes the outstanding contribution is Britain's Baird, he has established in the world the first special study machinery black-and-white television's laboratory. He used the crude device group to fit out in the world the first set of television transmitter and the receiver, and has obtained the first Zhang Zhen person picture which finally in October 25, 1925 the television transmitted, was also born in the world the first machinery monochrome set.
The television by electronic method started from the 1920s-1930s, mechanical television research's at the same time, the electronic technology also started the swift and violent development. American nationality Russia scientist Vladimirsky · Kosma · assisted the interest to make the important contributions in this aspect. He in 1929, trial produced the successful television by electronic method system and the video tube. in 1931, also developed successfully the emitron, and has obtained emitron's patent in 1933. , One of US's television researchers, law graciousness Si Wearn has obtained the television by electronic method system's patent in 1927. the 1936 year on November 2, has carried on the first official television by electronic method system's public broadcast experiment in the British London, what at that time used was Britain's Shoenberg develops 405 line, each second 50 interlacing electronic scanning system. This system uses under the emitron is leads in Britain's Mcgill develops successfully. At that time broadcast television image's clarity has gone far beyond the mechanical scanning television, hence, the electronic black-and-white television time started.
1939-1945 years, because the Second World War's eruption, delayed television by electronic method's development, at that time, only then UK and US, Soviet and so on some countries have established the electron black-and-white system. Until the early 50s, various countries only then started to popularize the electronic black-and-white television. our country started in 1956 to prepare for construction the television system, in 1957 developed the first set of black-and-white television transmitter, in 1958 produced the first monochrome set, namely Tianjin produced “the Beijing trademark” the television - only to have 5 channel electron tube monochrome sets. color television's popularization the color television's research began in 1925, at that time assisted interest, Baird et al. to be engaged in this aspect research, and has made certain contribution. Because the 20s-30s key point was the electronic black-and-white television's research, therefore color TV set's research mainly only then started the vigorous development in the 40s-50s.