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 basic expressions 基本句型表達

 1) i have been working as a paralegal for the last 10 months through an agency that specializes in the legal field.


 2) i was commended on my ability to take information and break it down into usable facts.


 3) i am looking for a position where my research and writing skills can be used.


 4) flexibility would certainly rank high in this type of job.


 5) i made sure each of them felt like his or her project was important on my agenda.


 6) it was very rewarding to have put so much effort into a project and see the really great results.


 7) my boss was impressed with the work i had done.


 8) i did have an issue with someone who was getting on my nerves.


 9) my biggest satisfaction is when i experience growth in a job.


 10) i put a lot of effort into my education as a paralegal and take it seriously.


 conversation 會話

 (a=applicant i=interviewer)

 i: let`s begin by having you tell me about yourself and your background.

 a: i have been working as a paralegal for the last 10 months through an agency that specializes in the legal field. my experience has been supporting attorneys in the field of labor law, where i have been able to apply my paralegal education. i was commended on my ability to take information and break it down into usable facts. i really love research and analyzing facts. my major in college was english, and as a result, my writing skills are my major strength. i am looking for a position where my research and writing skills can be used.

 i: what do you think are the key qualities needed to succeed in the paralegal profession?

 a: flexibility would certainly rank high in this type of job. in my last position, i supported four lawyers, and it was not unusual for them all to give me high-priority items to do in the same day or week. there were days when i had to stop and prioritize my work just to get a handle on everything. i would discuss the urgency of their work with each of them so i didn`t drop the ball. at the same time, i made sure each of them felt like his or her project was important on my agenda. i think communication is probably the next key quality. it really worked well when i talked with each of them, explained my situation, and got their input.

 i: can you give me an example of a time when you had to work above and beyond your job description?

 a: there was a very important project that had to be researched and completed by the end of the week. even though i worked extra hours every night for almost two weeks, my boss and i stayed until 2 a.m. for two nights before the final wrap up. it was very rewarding to have put so much effort into a project and see the really great results. my boss gave me a bonus for my extra effort.

 i: tell me about a time when you had to research a case and encountered some obstacles you had to overcome.

 a: i remember a case that was filled with obstacles. the first thing i did was research through documents and past cases that had similar circumstances. i assembled the facts and then tried to put them together and analyze the next step. i was able to get some input from another lawyer i happened to see at lunch. through some hard work and fact digging, i was able to find a way to overcome most of the obstacles. i took my findings to my boss and made some recommendations, which she and i discussed and eventually resolved. my boss was impressed with the work i had done.

 i: what are your strengths and weaknesses?

 a: my strengths are my caring about getting the job done. i am very results-driven and have been able to meet all my deadlines in past jobs. as far as weaknesses, i really enjoy my work, and sometimes i put in too much time. but i am aware of my tendency to overwork and have learned to pace myself more.

 i: tell me about a time when you had a confrontation with a coworker or boss.

 a: i did have an issue with someone who was getting on my nerves. i asked her if i could talk with her one day, and we had a good discussion. it turned out she was not aware of the impact of her actions and that she really needed an explanation of the procedure. i took the time to explain the procedures, and there haven`t been any problems since that day.

 i: when do you find a job satisfying?

 a: my biggest satisfaction is when i experience growth in a job. when i first started as a paralegal, i had a lot to learn. but through hard work, advice from some good mentors and continuing education, i have come a long way. i have learned to be flexible when possible and to deal with difficult people in a positive manner.

 i: how would your coworkers describe you?

 a: first, they`d say i have a lot of energy and enthusiasm. i really enjoy working with people. secondly, they`d say i had great customer service skills. i put the customer first. and thirdly, they`d say that i know the law. i put a lot of effort into my education as a paralegal and take it seriously.

 i: do you have any questions?

 a: yes, i do. on a scale of one to 10, what would you say morale was in this company?

 i: 講講妳自己和妳的背景,我們開始面試吧。

 a: 過去的十個月,我壹直在壹家法律專業代理處做律師專職助理。我的工作就是在勞動法領域為法律事務代理人提供幫助,這樣我就可以應用所學到的律師助理方面的知識於工作中。我具有獲取信息並能把它們轉變成可用事實的能力,這壹點受到了人們的稱贊,而且我喜歡調查和分析事實。我大學時的專業是英語,所以寫作技能是我的專業特長。我希望找壹份能發揮我調查和寫作技能的工作。

 i: 妳認為作為壹名律師助理,取得成功的關鍵品質是什麽?

 a: 在這類工作中,靈活性當然排第壹位。我的前壹份工作就是幫助四位律師,他們經常會在同壹天或者同壹個星期各自給我同樣重要的工作去做。有時候,我必須把我的工作分出優先級,以便把每壹份工作都做好。我會和他們每壹個人商量壹下工作的緊要程度,這樣我就不會誤事。同時我使他們每個人都確信在我的日程當中他(她)的工作是重要的。我認為第二重要的品質就是溝通能力。每次我和他們討論問題時,這壹點都很有幫助。我把我的處境說給他們聽,聽取他們的意見。

 i: 妳能給我舉壹個妳必須加班而且超出妳的工作範圍的例子嗎?

 a: 曾經有壹個非常重要的項目必須在周末之前調查清楚並完成。盡管我每晚加班都快兩周了,有兩個晚上我和老板還是工作到淩晨兩點,直到完成。在壹個項目上付出很大努力並能得到這麽好的結果,是很值得的。對我的額外工作,老板嘉獎了我。

 i: 講講妳某壹次為了調查壹個案例,遇到了許多困難,但妳必須克服這些困難的經歷。

 a: 我記得有壹個案例遇到了很多障礙。我首先要做的就是調查清楚所有文檔以及過去類似情形的案例,我將所有證據都收集起來,放在壹起,等著下壹步進行分析。碰巧在吃午飯時我遇到另壹位律師,從他那裏獲得了壹些信息。經過刻苦工作和對事實依據進行挖掘,我找到了壹條能克服大部分困難的途徑。 我把我的發現告訴了老板,並提出了壹些建議,最後經過討論,困難都解決了。老板對我所做的工作非常滿意。

 i: 妳有哪些優點和缺點?

 a: 我的優點就是壹定要把工作完成。我是壹個不達目的誓不罷休的人,而且在過去我總能完成我所做的工作。就我的缺點而言,我真的非常喜歡我的工作,


 i: 告訴我妳有沒有和同事或者老板發生過沖突?

 a: 我確實和壹個讓我心煩的人有過爭端。我問她哪天能不能跟她談談,我們就好好地討論了壹番。但她並沒有意識到其所作所為的影響,也沒有意識到她需要別人給她解釋壹下工作。最後我花時間給她解釋了壹下工作流程,從那以後就再也沒有出現過什麽問題。

 i: 妳什麽時候覺得工作令妳最滿意?

 a: 我最大的滿足感就是當我體驗工作中的成長的時候。我開始做律師助理時,有很多東西要學。但是經過我的刻苦工作,從良師益友那裏得到壹些建議以及深入學習,我已經懂得了很多。我學會了盡可能靈活些,以積極的態度和難以相處的人打交道。

 i: 妳的同事怎樣評價妳呢?

 a: 首先,他們會說我是壹個充滿活力和熱情的人,因為我非常喜歡和人壹起工作。其次,他們會說我非常懂得客戶服務技巧。我把客戶放在第壹位。第三點就是他們會說我懂法律,我讀律師助理時付出了很多努力,並且我非常認真地對待它。

 i: 妳有什麽問題要問嗎?

 a: 有,以十分來計,妳認為貴公司員工的士氣如何?

 paralegal 律師助理 agency 代理

 attorney 律師 commend 表揚,稱贊

 rank 等級,排列 input 意見

 prioritize 把吳?鐘畔卻渦? agenda 日常工作事項

 drop the ball 失敗 rewarding 值得的

 obstacle 困難,障礙 get on one`s nerve 使呅姆3

 morale 士氣,道德,品行 tendency 趨勢


 the ability to take information and break it down into usable facts is very important.


 1) my experience has been supporting attorneys in the field of labor law.

 civil law

 commercial law

 criminal law

 我的工作經歷就是我壹直在幫助 勞動法 方面的律師。




 2) i am looking for a position where my research and writing skills can be used.




 3) flexibility would certainly rank high in this type of job.

 be primary

 be first

 be number one

 這類工作中靈活性當然是 很重要的。




 4) my boss was impressed with the work i had done.

 pleased with

 satisfied with

 我老板對我的工作 印象非常深刻。



 5) i did have an issue with someone who was getting on my nerves.

 a conflict

 a disagreement

 a dissension

 我確實和壹個令我惱怒的人 有過爭議。




 6) i put a lot of effort into my education as a paralegal and take it seriously.

 make great efforts

 put a lot of work


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