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9、鄭州市三育人先進個人(鄭州市教委、工會,1996年) ⒈H.X. Wang,S.K. Guan,X. Wang,et al. Invitro degradation and mechanical integrity of Mg–Zn–Ca alloy coated withCa-deficient hydroxyapatite by the pulse electrodeposition process. ActaBiomaterialia,2010,6⑸: 1743-1748

⒉ Jun Wang,Liguo Wang,Shaokang Guan,etal. Microstructure and corrosion properties of as sub-rapid solidificationMg–Zn–Y–Nd alloy in dynamic simulated body fluid for vascular stentapplication. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine. DOI:10.1007/s10856-010-4063-z

⒊Wei XF,Sun YF,Guan SK,et al.Compressiveand tensile properties of CuZrAl alloy plates containing martensitic phases.MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A,2009,517(1-2): 375-380

⒋ Hu JH,Guan SK,Zhang CL,et al.Corrosion protection of AZ31 magnesium alloy by a TiO2 coating prepared by LPDmethod. SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2009,203⒁: 2017-2020

⒌ Wen CL,Guan SK,Peng L,et al.Characterization and degradation behavior of AZ31 alloy surface modified bybone-like hydroxyapatite for implant applications. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2009,255(13-14): 6433-6438

⒍ Guan SK,Wu LH,Wang P. Hot forgeabilityand die-forging forming of semi-continuously cast AZ70 magnesium alloy.MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A. 2009,499(1-2): 187-191

⒎ Guan SK,Zhang CX,Wang LG,et al. Phaseselection of ternary intermetallic compounds during solidification of high zincmagnesium alloy. TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA. 2008,18⑶: 593-597

⒏ Zhu SJ,Guan SK,Yang Q,et al.Microstructure evolution and nucleation kinetics of rapidly solidifiedMg7ZnxY(0.55Zr) alloys. MAGNESIUM TECHNOLOGY 2008. Magnesium Technology Series:299-304

⒐ Guan SK,Peng L,Wen CL,et al.Electrochemical fabrication and biocompatibility of the hydroxyapatite coatingon magnesium alloy for implanted applications. MAGNESIUM TECHNOLOGY 2008:367-371

⒑ Guan SK,Wu LH,Wang LG. Flow stressand microstructure evolution of semi-continuous casting AZ70 Mg-alloy duringhot compression deformation. TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OFCHINA. 2008,18⑵: 315-320

⒒ Guan SK,Zhu SJ,Wang LG,et al.Structures and mechanical properties of double hot-extruded AZ80+xSr wroughtalloys. TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA. 2007,17⑹:1143-1151

⒓ Wang YX,Guan SK,Zeng XQ,et al.Effects of RE on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-8Zn-4Almagnesium alloy. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A,2006,416(1-2): 109-118 ⑴ 關紹康;張春香;王建強;王迎新;石廣新 含矽的高鋅鎂合金及其制備工藝,授權專利號:ZL200310110192.3

⑵ 關紹康;盧廣璽;陳海軍;石廣新 Al-Mg-Si-Cu-Ti-Sr合金及其制備方法,授權專利號:ZL 200410010234.0

⑶ 關紹康;王利國;張保豐;朱世傑;張梅;耿家源. Mg-Al-Si-Mn-Ca合金制備方法,授權專利號:ZL 200510048417.6.

⑷ 關紹康;胡俊華;任晨星;趙紅亮;王利國;李慶奎;朱世傑壹種鎂合金負載納米TiO2光催化薄膜的制備方法,授權專利號:ZL 200510017748.3

⑸ 關紹康;任晨星;曹文博;胡俊華;孫玉峰;劉曉芳 壹種鎂合金表面直接納米二氧化鈦化學復合鍍的方法,授權專利號:ZL 200510107254.4

⑹ 關紹康;陳 曠;胡保健;梁允勇 壹種高效高性能A356合金低壓鑄造輪轂的熱處理方法,授權專利號:ZL 200610017600.4

⑺ 關紹康;吳立鴻;趙紅亮;王利國;王 盼. 利用鑄態鎂合金進行超塑性鍛造成形的方法,授權專利號:ZL 200710193056.3

⑻ 關紹康;王迎新;趙紅亮;石廣新壹種含稀土高鋅鎂合金及其制備方法,申請專利號:03126341.0

⑼ 關紹康;溫翠蓮;王利國;趙晶;王項. 壹種納米HAP塗層/鎂合金復合生物材料的制備方法,申請專利號:200810049023.6.

⑽ 關紹康;王煥新;王利國;王項;朱世傑;任晨星 純鎂或鎂合金表面羥基磷灰石塗層的脈沖電沈積制備方法,申請專利號:200910065998.2

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