1. Yurong He, Yubin Men, Yunhua Zhao, Huilin Lu, Yulong Ding, Numerical investigation into the convective heat transfer of TiO2 nanofluids flowing through a straight tube under the laminar flow conditions, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2009, 29(10):1965-1972. (SCI)
2. Yurong He, Yubin Men, Xing Liu, Huilin Lu, Haisheng Chen, Yulong Ding, Study on Forced Convective Heat Transfer of Non-Newtonian Nanofluids, Journal of Thermal Science, 2009,18(1):20-26.(SCI)
3. Yurong He, Haisheng Chen, Yulong Ding, Bob Lickiss, Solids Motion and Segregation of Binary Mixtures in a Rotating Drum Mixer, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2007, 85(7): 963-973. (SCI)
4. Yurong He, Yi Jin, Haisheng Chen, Yulong Ding, Daqiang Cang and Hulin Lu, Heat transfer and flow behaviour of aqueous suspensions of TiO2 nanoparticles (nanofluids) flowing upward through a vertical pipe, Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2007, 50: 2272-2281. (SCI)
5. Yurong He, Thang Ngoc Cong and Yulong Ding, Gas-solid two-phase mixtures flowing upward through a confined packed bed, Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 23 (2006) 279–288 (SCI EI)
6. Yurong He, Huilin Lu, Dongsheng Wen, Yulong Ding, A Numerical Study on the Gas Fluidisation of Secondary Agglomerates of Nanoparticle, Progress in natural science, 15: 111-116 Sp. Iss. SI, 2005 (SCI EI)
7. He Yurong, Lu Huilin, Sun Qiaoqun, Yang Lidan, Zhao Yunhua, Dimitri Gidaspow, Hydrodynamics of gas-solid flow around immersed tubes in bubbling fluidized beds, Powder Technology, 145, 88-105, 2004. (SCI EI)
8. He Yurong, Zhao Guangbo, Jacques Bouilliard, Lu Huilin, Numerical simulation of the effect of conical dimension on the hydrodynamic behavior in spouted beds. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 82, 1-10, 2004. (SCI EI)
9. Yulong Ding, Yurong He, Ngoc Thang Cong, Wei Yang, Haisheng Chen, Hydrodynamics and heat transfer of gas–solid two-phase mixtures flowing through packed beds – a review, Progress in Natural Science, 2008, accepted. (SCI)
10. Shuyan Wang, Yurong He, Huilin Lu, Jianmin Ding, Lijie Yin, Wentie Liu, Simulation of performance of cracking reactions of particle clusters in FCC risers, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2008, 47, 4632-4640. (SCI EI)
11. Haisheng Chen, Yurong He, Jianwei Zhu, Hajar Alias, Yulong Ding, Paul Nancarrow, Christopher Hardacre, David Rooney and Chunqing Tan, Rheological and heat transfer behaviour of the ionic liquid, [C4mim][NTf2], International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2008, 29(1): 149-155. (SCI)
12. Thang Ngoc Cong, Yurong He, Haisheng Chen and Yulong Ding,Heat transfer of gas-solid two-phase mixtures flowing through a packed bed under constant wall heat flux conditions, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 130, Issue 1, 15 May 2007, Pages 1-10. (SCI EI)
13. Lu Huilin, He Yurong, Liu Wentie, Jianmin Ding, Dimitri Gidaspow, Computer simulations of gas-solid flow in spouted beds using kinetic-frictional stress model of granular flow, Chemical Engineering Science, 59, 856-878, 2004. (SCI EI)
14. Lu Huilin, He Yurong, Dimitri Gidaspow, Hydrodynamic modeling of binary mixture in a gas bubbling fluidized bed using the kinetic theory of granular flow, Chemical Engineering Science, 58, 1197-1205, 2003. (SCI EI)
15. Lu Huilin, He Yurong, Dimitri Gidaspow, Yang Lidan, Size segregation of binary mixture of solids in bubbling fluidized beds, Powder Technology, 134, 86-97, 2003. (SCI EI)
2.陸慧林;鄭建祥;何玉榮;趙雲華;尹麗潔, 臥式傾斜旋轉流化床脫硫反應器,發明專利,專利號:200610009647.6,已授權。