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李保衛的主要研究領域為:鋼鐵冶金新工藝新技術、白雲鄂博礦稀土及鈮資源利用,主持承擔科技部973項目、國家自然科學基金項目、內蒙古政府重大資助基金項目等30余項,獲省部級成果獎12項,出版專著3部,申請國家發明專利8項,發表學術論文100余篇,被SCI、EI收錄40余篇。 (1)輻射傳熱和燃燒過程的基礎研究







目前,正在進行白雲鄂博礦鈮資源綜合利用的研究,在鈮資源選冶新技術、稀土尾礦制備微晶玻璃方面取得階段性成果,申報國家發明專利4項。 (1)“室溫稀土磁制冷技術的研究與應用”,科技部重大科技攻關項目,2000-2002









附2: 教學與科研成果獎勵












(12)現代連鑄關鍵工藝過程理論化研究及其應用(2007年),冶金科學技術三等獎。 (1) 沈頤身,李保衛,吳懋林. 冶金傳輸原理基礎,冶金工業出版社,北京,2000年.

(2) 賀友多,傳輸理論與計算,冶金工業出版社,北京,1999年.(參編)

(3) 高文兵,郝書辰.中國高等教育資源分布與協調發展研究,高等教育出版社,北京,2008年.(參編)

(4) Bao-wei Li, Yang-huan Zhang, Zhong-wang Wu et al. Effects of the substitution of Mn for Ni on structures and electrochemical performances of the as-cast and quenched La0.5Ce0.2Mg0.3Co0.4 Ni2.6-xMnx (x=0-0.4) electrode alloys, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2008, 33(1): 141-148

(5) Gui Wang, Bing Lu, Shiliang Zhang et al. Chemical synthesis and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline (La0.67-XGdX)Sr0.33MnO3 using amorphous molecular alloy as precursors, Journal Wuhan University of Technology, Materials Science Edition, ,2007, 22(2):183-186

(6) B. W. Zhang, B. W. Li. Growth kinetics of single inclusion particle in molten melts, ACTA Metallurgica Sinica, 2007, 20(2): 111-117

(7) Yong-lin Ma, Bao-feng Wang, Bao-wei Li et al. Electromagnetic Dam in Twin-Roll Strip Caster, Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International, 2006, 13(2): 27-29

(8) Zengwu Zhao, Daqiang Cang, Wenfen Wu, Yike Li, Baowei. Li. New hybrid method combining heat flux method with Monte-Carlo method to analyze thermal radiation. J University of Science and Technology Beijing: Mineral Metallurgy Materials, 2006, 13(1): 25-28

(9) Bao-wei Li, Hui-ping Ren, Yang-huan Zhang et al. Microstructure and electrochemical performances of La0.7Mg0.3Ni2.55?xCo0.45Alx (x=0-0.4) hydrogen storage alloys prepared by casting and rapid quenching, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2006, 425(1-2): 399-405

(10) Yang-huan Zhang, Xiao-ying Han, Bao-wei Li et al. Effects of substituting Mg with Zr on the electrochemical characteristics of Mg2Ni-type electrode alloys prepared by mechanical alloying, Materials Characterization, 2007, In Press (Available online).

(11) Hui-ping Ren, Yang-huan Zhang, Bao-wei Li et al. Effect of substituting Ni with Cu on the cycle stability of La0.7Mg0.3Ni2.55?xCo0.45Cux (x=0–0.4) electrode alloy prepared by casting and rapid quenching, Materials Characterization, 2007, 58(3): 289-295

(12) Yang-Huan Zhang, Bao-Wei Li, Hui-Ping Ren et al. Cycle stabilities of the La0.7Mg0.3Ni2.55?xCo0.45 Mx (M=Fe, Mn, Al; x= 0, 0.1) electrode alloys prepared by casting and rapid quenching, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2007, In Press (Available online).

(13) Yang-Huan Zhang, Bao-Wei Li, Hui-Ping Ren et al. Influences of the substitution of Fe for Ni on structures and electrochemical performances of the as-cast and quenched La0.7Mg0.3Co0.45 Ni2.55?xFex (x=0–0.4) electrode alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2007, In Press (Available online).

(14) Yang-huan Zhang, Bao-wei Li, Hui-ping Ren et al. Effects of Cr addition on the microstructures and electrochemical properties of as-cast and quenched La2Mg(Ni0.85Co0.15)9 electrode alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2007, 436(1-2): 209-215

(15) Yang-Huan Zhang, Bao-Wei Li, Ying Cai et al. Microstructure and electrochemical performances of La0.7Mg0.3Ni2.55?xCo0.45Mx (M=Cu, Cr, Al; x=0-0.4) hydrogen storage alloys prepared by casting and rapid quenching, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2007, 458(1-2): 67-72

(16) Yang-huan Zhang, Hui-ping Ren, Bao-wei Li et al. Effect of rapid quenching on the microstructures and electrochemical characteristics of La0.7Mg0.3Ni2.55?xCo0.45Alx (x=0-0.4) electrode alloys, Materials Characterization, 2007, 58(7): 637-644

(17) Yang-huan Zhang, Bao-wei Li, Hui-ping Ren et al. Investigation on structures and electrochemical characteristics of the as-cast and quenched La0.5Ce0.2Mg0.3Co0.4Ni2.6?xMnx (x=0-0.4) electrode alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2007, In Press (Available online).

(18) Yang-huan Zhang, Dong-liang Zhao, Bao-wei Li et al. Cycle stability of La0.7Mg0.3Ni2.55-x Co0.45Cux (x=0–0.4) electrode alloys, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2007, 17(4): 816-822

(19) Yang-huan Zhang, Dong-liang Zhao, Xiao-ying Han, Bao-wei Li et al. Electrochemical characteristics of mechanical alloyed (Mg1-xZrx)2Ni (x=0-0.1) electrode alloys, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2007, 32 (14): 2830-2835

(20) Yang-Huan Zhang, Bao-Wei Li, Hui-Ping Ren et al. Effects of substituting Ni with Al on the microstructure and electrochemical performances of the as-cast and quenched La–Mg–Ni-based (PuNi3-type) hydrogen storage alloys, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2007, 105(1): 86-91

(21) Yang-huan Zhang, Bao-wei Li, Hui-ping Ren et al. Effects of substituting Ni with Cu on the microstructures and electrochemical characteristics of the as-cast and quenched La0.7Mg0.3Ni2.55-x Co0.45Cux (x=0-0.4) electrode alloys, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2007, 32(15): 3420-3426

(22) Yang-huan Zhang, Xiao-ping Dong, Bao-wei Li et al. Microstructures and electrochemical performances of La0.75Mg0.25Ni3.5Mx (M=Ni, Co; x=0-0.6) hydrogen storage alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2007, In Press (Available online).

(23) Yang-huan Zhang, Bao-wei Li, Hui-ping Ren et al. Investigation on structures and electrochemical performances of the as-cast and -quenched La0.7Mg0.3Ni2.55-xFex (x=0-0.4) electrode alloys, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2007, 32(18): 4627-4634.

(24) Yang-huan Zhang, Xiao-ying Han, Bao-wei Li et al. Electrochemical characteristics of Mg2?xZrxNi (x=0-0.6) electrode alloys prepared by mechanical alloying,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2008, 450(1-2): 208-214

(25) Baowei Li, Zengwu Zhao et al. Numerical simulation of fluid flow in a reheating furnace with multi-swirling-burners,J University of Science and Technology Beijing, 2003, 10(5): 202-302

(26) Baowei Li, Youduo He, Ligang Ding et al. Study on transfer simulation of radiant heat exchange,Proc. Int. Conf. on Modell. and Simul. in Metall. Eng. and Mater. Sci., Chinese society for metals, June 11-13, 1996, Beijing, China: 116-118.

(27) Baowei Li, Youduo He, Y. Sahai. Study on the Post Combustion in BOF,Proc. Int. Conf. on Modell. and Simul. in Metall. Eng. and Mater. Sci., Chinese Society For Metals, June 11-13, 1996, Beijing, China: 297-303

(28) Baowei Li, Youduo He. Droplet Generation, Movement and Heat Transfer in BOF,Proc. Int. Sym. on Iron and Steel, 1994, Chicago, USA.

(29) 趙增武, 李保衛, 武文斐等. 高溫空氣平焰燃燒過程的數值分析與比較,冶金能源,2007, 26(1): 21-23

(30) 李解,王正德,李保衛. 水熱合成La0.17Ca0.13- xBaxMnO3化合物及其磁熱性能的研究,稀土,2007,28(1): 48-51

(31) 張羊換,李保衛,蔡穎等. 快淬La-Mg-Ni系貯氫合金的電化學性能及微觀結構,稀有金屬材料與工程,2007,36(1): 108-112

(32) 張羊換,李保衛,任慧平等. 添加硼對La-Mg-Ni系(PuNi3-型)貯氫合金微觀結構及電化學性能的影響,中南大學學報,2007, 38(2): 218-224

(33) 張邦文,李保衛. 聚合物有序納米復合材料的研究進展,材料導報,2007,(5):171-173

(34) 張羊換,李保衛,蔡穎等. La0.7Mg0.3Ni2.55-xCo0.45Alx (x=0-0.4) 貯氫合金的循環穩定性,中國有色金屬學報,2006,16(8): 1320-1325.

(35) 李解,王正德,李保衛. 水熱合成La0.65Ca0.18Sr0.17MnO3及其磁熱效應的研究,稀有金屬,2006,30(4): 534-537

(36) 麻永林,王寶峰,李保衛等. 扇形段電磁攪拌對U71Mn重軌鋼質量的影響,鋼鐵,2006,41(2): 23-26

(37) 趙增武,李保衛,武文斐等. 壹種輻射傳熱混合模擬方法, 北京科技大學學報,27(4):423-426

(38) 張邦文,李保衛,賀友多. 金屬熔體中夾雜物的生長動力學,鋼鐵研究學報,2005,21(6): 36-40

(39) 張邦文, 謝長生, 李保衛. 原位制備表面增強復合材料的壹種新方法,華中科技大學學報,2005, 33(10): 13-15

(40) 麻永林, 王寶峰, 李保衛等. 結晶器/足輥區電磁攪拌的數值分析,鋼鐵,2004, 39(suppl): 662-664

(41) 麻永林, 王寶峰, 李保衛等. 扇形段電磁攪拌對82B鋼連鑄坯成分和組織的影響. 特殊鋼, 2003, 24(6): 45-47.

(42) 李保衛, 趙增武, 李義科等. 多旋流燒嘴加熱爐內冷態流場的數值模擬,鋼鐵,2003,38(2): 55-57.

(43) 劉忠傑,劉中興,李保衛等. 稀土熔鹽電解過程電極雙電層對電場的影響,稀有金屬,2003,27(2): 242-245

(44) 李保衛,趙增武,張雪峰等. 二沖程發動機換氣過程的有限體積法數值模擬,燃燒科學與技術,2002, 8(6): 548-553

(45) 武文斐,任雁秋,李保衛等.包鋼帶鋼廠加熱爐燃燒過程計算機控制的研究,冶金自動化, 2002, 26(4): 41-44

(46) 張雪峰,李保衛,徐楚韶等. 氧氣頂吹轉爐中泡沫渣內部二次燃燒的數學模型,燃燒科學與技術,1998, 4(2): 137-143.

(47) 李保衛,賀友多, Sahai. 頂吹轉爐內二次燃燒初期的壹個數學模型,金屬學報,1996,32(2):169-174

(48) 張胤,李保衛,賀友多. 處理輻射傳熱的壹個新熱流數學模型,燃燒科學與技術,1996, 2(1): 78-82

(49) 李保衛,賀友多,丁立剛等. 輻射換熱的輸運模擬研究,工程熱物理學報,1996,17(2):239-243.

(50) 李保衛,賀友多. 頂吹轉爐內金屬液滴的產生、運動及傳熱的數學模型,金屬學報,1995,31(4):b145-150.

(51) 李保衛,賀友多. 氧氣頂吹轉爐二次燃燒過程中的傳熱模型,北京科技大學學報,1995,12.

(52) 李保衛,賀友多. 爐膛內三維溫度場的Monte-Carlo解法,鋼鐵,1994,29(11):68-72.

(53) 張胤,李保衛,賀友多. 熱流法計算高溫爐內的輻射傳熱,鋼鐵研究學報,1994,6(1): 23-28

(54) 李保衛,賀友多. 處理輻射傳熱的壹個熱流數學模型,鋼鐵研究學報,1992,4(3):9-13.

附4: 國家發明專利





(5)用於溫度和應力傳感器的聚合物導電復合材料及制備方法,公開(公告)號: CN1876705




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