獲得專利: 1. 國家發明專利《水下C波段紫外線強度探測儀》
2. 國家發明專利《光纖紫外光消毒方法及其裝置》
3. 國家實用新型專利《豎向噴射多級環流翼片式油水分離器》
4. 國家實用新型專利《油水渣三相高效分離器》
1. Fei Ji, Chaolin Li, Jiahuan Zhang, Lei Deng.Efficient decolorization of dye pollutants with LiFe(WO4)2 as a reusable heterogeneous Fenton-like catalyst. Desalination. 2011, 269(1-3), 2011, 284-290
2. Fei Ji, Chaolin Li, Jiahuan Zhang, Lei Deng.Heterogeneous photo-Fenton decolorization of methylene blue over LiFe(WO4)2 catalyst. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2011, 186(2-3), 1979-1984.
3. Xiaoqing Dong, Chaolin Li, Ji Li, Jia Wang, Wantao Huang. A game theoretic analysis of implementation of cleaner production policies in the Chinese electroplating industry. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2010, 54(12), 1442-1448
4. Gang Lu, Chaolin Li, Peng Liu, Haibo Cui, Yong Xia, Jianfeng Wang. Inactivation of microorganisms in apple juice using an ultraviolet silica-fiber optical device.J Photochem Photobiol B. 2010, 100 (3), 167-172
5. Fei Ji, Chaolin Li, Jiahuan Zhang.Hydrothermal Synthesis of Li9Fe3(P2O7)3(PO4)2 Nanoparticles and Their Photocatalytic Properties under Visible-Light Illumination. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2010, 2 (6), 1674-1678
6. Gang Lu, Chaolin Li, Peng Liu, Haibo Cui, Yongjie Yao, Qian Zhang. UV inactivation of microorganisms in beer by a novel thin-film apparatus. Food control. 2010, 21(10), 1312-1317
7. Xiaoqing Dong, Chaolin Li, Ji Li, Jiaxin Wang, Suting Liu, Bin Ye. A novel approach for soil contamination assessment from heavy metal pollution: A linkage between discharge and adsorption. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2010, 175 (1-3), 1022-1030
8. 吉飛李朝林張家歡鄧磊. LiFePO4非均相Fenton法處理亞甲基藍染料的研究. 環境工程學報. 2010, 已收錄
9. 王佳鑫, 董曉清, 李朝林, 李繼. 電鍍行業重金屬排汙稅模型研究與實證分析. 環境汙染與防治. 2010, 32, 102-105.
10. 劉素婷,董曉清,李朝林,李繼. 重金屬水汙染經濟損失計量模型與應用. 環境保護科學. 2010, 3, 81-83,92
11. 王佳鑫,董曉清,李朝林,李繼. 電鍍行業水價機制與清潔生產研究. 環境科學與管理. 2010, 35, 37-40.
12. Fei Ji, Chaolin Li, Xiaoqing Dong, Yang Li, Danan Wang. Separation of oil from oily wastewater by sorption and coalescence technique using ethanol grafted polyacrylonitrile. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2009, 164 (2-3), 1346-1351
13. Shuang Song, Zhiwu Liu, Zhiqiao He, Yu Li, Jianmeng Chen, Chaolin Li. Degradation of the biocide 4-chloro-3, 5-dimethylphenol in aqueous medium with ozone in combination with ultraviolet irradiation: Operating conditions influence and mechanism. Chemosphere. 2009, 77 (8), 1043-1051
14. 王佳鑫,董曉清,李朝林. 電鍍行業汙染減排政策分析與建議. 環境科學與技術. 2009. 32 (12D), 120-124
15. Gang Lu, Chaolin Li, Yonggang Zheng, Qian Zhang, Juan Peng, Ming Fu.A novel fiber optical device for ultraviolet disinfection of water.J Photochem Photobiol B.2008, 92 (1), 42-46
16. 於秀娟, 王永強, 李朝林, 白姝敏, 孫德智. 光催化氧化苯甲酸時TiO2中毒機理及再生方法的研究.環境科學學報. 2006, 26 (3), 433-437
17. 王永強, 於秀娟, 李朝林, 孫德智, 白姝敏, 王輝. 二氧化鈦光催化劑的中毒機理及再生技術分析. 現代化工. 2005, 25 (S1), 16-18
18. 田禹, 李朝林, 鄭蕾. 醬油廢水脫色的影響因素及機制. 環境科學學報. 2003, 23(5), 598-602
19. C. L. Li, H. X. Zhao, M. Matsumura. Improvement of corrosion resistance of materials coated with a Cr2O3/NiCr dilayer using a sealing treatment. Materials Science and Engineering. 2001, A308 (1-2), 268–276
20. C. L. Li, H. X. Zhao, M. Matsumura. Corrosion properties of materials coated with Cr2O3/NiCr and with Cr2O3+NiCr Functionally Gradient Materials. Materials and Corrosion. 2000, 51 (7), 502-510
21. C. L. Li, H. X. Zhao, M. Matsumura, T. Takahashi, M. Asahara, H. Yamaguchi. The effect of NiCr intermediate layer on corrosion behaviour of Cr2O3 ceramic coated materials. Surface & Coatings Technology. 2000, 124, 53-60
22. H. X. Zhao, T. Masuda, C. L. Li, T. Takahashi, M. Matsumura. Corrosion and erosion-corrosion of ceramics and FGM coated steels in erosion environments. Corrosion. 2000, 56, 654-665.
23. C. L. Li, H. X. Zhao, M. Matsumura. Effects of sealing treatment on corrosion for FGM coated materials. Seventh Annual International Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE/7). 2000, July 2-8, Denver, USA, pp519-521
24. C. L. Li, H. X. Zhao, D. Zhou, M. Matsumura. Recovery of spent electroless nickel plating bath by electrodialysis. Journal of Membrane Science. 1999, 157, 241-149
25. J. P. Tu, C. L. Li, H. Z. Zhao, M. Matsumura. Slurry erosion-corrosion characteristics of squeeze cast aluminum alloy-aluminum borate composite. Materials and Corrosion. 1999, 50, 205-212
26. C. L. Li, H. X. Zhao, T. Masuda, M. Matsumura. The corrosion behaviour of NiCr intermediate layer after Cr2O3 ceramic coating. Proceeding of JSCE Materials and Environments. 1999, Chiba, Japan, pp201-204
27. H. X. Zhao, T. Masuda, C. L. Li, M. Matsumura, T. Takahashi. The located corrosion of stainless steel after surface treatment. Proceeding of JSCE Materials and Environments 1999, Chiba, Japan, pp307-310
28. C. L. Li, D. Zhou, C. H. Tang. Purification and regeneration of spent electroless nickel plating baths by electrodialysis. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. 1998, 5, 13-16
29. C. L. Li, D. Zhou, C. H. Tang. Study on renewal of spent electroless nickel plating solution. Electroplating and Environment Protection. 1997, 17, 13-17 (in Chinese)
30. C. L. Li, D. Zhou. Present situation of treatment on the waste electroless nickel plating baths. Science of Environment Protection. 1997, 23, 8-12 (in Chinese)
31. C. L. Li, D. Zhou. Remove phosphite from the spent electroless nickel plating solution. Water Treatment Technology. 1997, 23, 322-327 (in Chinese)
32. S. J. Sun, D. P. Li, C. L. Li. The Treatment of High Concentration Waste Emulsicoil. Industrialization and Environment International Symposium (1995), Taejon, Korea, pp63-69
33. S. J. Sun, C. L. Li. Preparation of active silicic acid. World of Chemistry. 1995, 29, 628-631 (in Chinese)
34. C. L. Li, B. F. Cui. Technical progress on the treatment of waste emulsicoil. Northern Environment. 1994, 15, 1-5 (in Chinese)
35. T. J. Tang, S. R. Li, C. L. Li. Charge and Discharge System for Multi-channel Test and Control of Storage Battery. Journal of Battery. 1996, 26, 147-149 (in Chinese)