如果國際局(International Bureau)沒有公布過EPO(歐洲專利局)官方語言的申請書《專利合作協定》第22條(1)和《專利合作協定》條例159(1),提供翻譯為該語言的國際申請的譯文;
b) Specify the application documents,as originally filed or as amended, on which the European grantprocedure is to be based(R.159(1)(b) EPC_);
c) Pay the search fee where applicable,the additional fee for a European patent application comprising morethan 35 pages(R.159(1))(c)EPC, art .2, items 1, 1a rules relating to fees);
d) pay the search fee where a supplementary European search reporthas to be drawn up (R.159(1)(e) EPC);
e) PAY the renewal fee if the time limit laid down in Rule 39(1) EPChas expired before the 31-month period pursuant to Rule 159(1)(d) EPC);
按照《專利合作協定》的《條例》159(1)(d) 規定,如果在31個月的期限之前列入《專利合作協定》條例39(1) 的期限已滿,需付更新費。
f) File the written request for examination and pay the examinationfee if the time limit laid down in Rule 70(1)EPC( R.159(1)(f) EPC);
如果列入《專利合作協定》條例70(1) [條例159(1)(f)] 的期限已滿,需提出用於檢查的書面請求並支付檢查費。
說明:縮寫R. 是“條例”還是“權利”不確定,望斟酌。