當前位置:律師網大全 - 商標註冊 - 高爾夫球場建造專用詞匯有哪些?


高爾夫專業英語 (1)中洞Middle hole (2)短洞Short hole (3)長洞Long hole (4)發球臺Teeing start (5)球道Fairway (6)長草區 Rough (7)沙坑Bunker (7)球洞Hole&Cup (8)黑TBlack tee (9)藍T Blue tee (10)白T White tee (11)紅T Red tee (12)金T Gold tee (13)會所Club house (14)水池Pond (15)球包Golf bag (16)前9洞Out –course (17)球童Caddie (18)後9洞In-course (19)Starting (20)左曲球Hook (21)右曲球Slice (22)球上果嶺Nice on (23)球進洞Nice in (24)記分卡Score card (25)當地規則 Local rule (26)國際規則International (27)客人姓名Player (28)壹號木桿 Driver (29)五號木桿Cleek (30)遺失球 Lost ball (31)三號木桿 Spoon (32)鐵桿 Iron (33)障礙區 Hazards (34)高標準桿壹桿Bogey (35)高標準桿兩桿Double bogey (36)高標準桿三桿 Triple bogey (37)平標準桿Par (38)低標準桿壹桿Birdie (39)低標準桿兩桿Eagle (40)低標準桿三桿 Boudle Eagle (41)記分員 Marker (42)維修地 Ground under repair & GUR (43)逆風Head wind (44)順風 Follow wind (45)壹桿進洞Hole in one (46)好球Nice shotGood shot (47)旗桿 Flagstick (48)界外 Out of bounds OB (49)木桿 Wood (50)P桿 Pitching Wedge (51)S桿 Sand wedge (52)臨時積水 Casual water (53)果領邊區 Collar (54)球童主管Caddie Master (55)禁止觸球No touch (56)狗腿型Dog leg (57)盲點 Bland hole (57)水障礙 Water Hazard (58)球場 Course (59)簽名 Sign (60)暫定球 Provisional ball (61)球桿罩Head cover (62)球標誌 Ball marker (63)重新擊球Again (64)超越前組 Playing through (65)少於標準桿 Under par (66)規則 Rule or Rules (67)散置障礙物 Loose Impediments (67)比賽 Matches (68)橫向風 Sids wind (69)高於標準桿 Over par (70)標誌 Mark (71)會員 Memder (72)會員卡 Memdership card (73)專賣店 Pro-shop (74)上坡球 side hill up (75)下坡球 side hill down (76)側面斜坡 side hill (77)早上好/中午好/晚上好,先生 Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening,sir (78)我是這裏的壹個球童 I’m a caddie here (79)我能為妳做點什麽嗎? What can I do for you/Can I help you?/May I help you?sir (80)讓我來為您拿球包吧! Let me help you with your bag。 (81)順風/逆風/側面風 Follow wind/against wind/side wind (82)我還能幫您點什麽? Is there anything else I can do for you? (83)您的球已經上果嶺了。 Your ball is on the green now (84)您壹***有13只桿,三支木桿、九支鐵桿和壹個推桿 You have 13 cluds,3 wood,9 ironand 1putter (85)請您數壹下您的球桿 Please check your club sir (86)您的球在水/沙坑/果嶺旁邊 Your ball is near the water/bunker/green (87)您的球在水/沙坑裏面 Your ball is near the water/bunker (88)打擾壹下 Excuse me (89)給您 Here you are (90)這是第11號洞,515碼,標準桿5桿 This is number 11 hole,515 yards,par 5 (91)從這裏到沙坑有120碼 It’s 120 yards from here to the bunker (92)很抱歉,您的球已經遺失 I’m sorry sir,Your ball is a lost ball. (93)祝您好運 Good Luck (94)祝您愉快 Have a nice time (95)很榮幸作您的球童 It’s my pleasure to be your caddie (96)希望下次能夠見到您 Hope to see you again 10碼:ten yards 20碼:twenty yards 30碼:thirty yards 40碼:fourty yards 50碼:fifty yards 100碼:one hundred yards 150碼:one hundred and fifty yards 200碼:two hundred yards 250碼:two hundred and fifty yards

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