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1 傑西·歐文斯James Cleveland "Jesse" Owens(1913年7月12日-1980年3月31日)他參加了德國(納粹時期)舉辦的1936年夏季奧林匹克運動會,取得了令人矚目的4枚奧運金牌,分別是男子100米、200米,跳遠和4x100米接力。為了紀念歐文斯對世界體育運動的貢獻,美國體育機構以他的名字設立“傑西·歐文斯獎”,每年評選壹次,獎給在田徑運動中成績卓著的各國運動員。

James Cleveland "Jesse" Owens (September 12, 1913–March 31, 1980) was an American track and field athlete. He participated in the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, Germany, where he achieved international fame by winning four gold medals: one each in the 100 meters, the 200 meters, the long jump, and as part of the 4x100 meter relay team.

2 弗洛倫斯·格裏菲斯-喬伊娜Florence Griffith-Joyner(1959年12月21日-1998年9月21日)昵稱“Flo-Jo”在1988年漢城奧運上,喬伊娜獲得了100米、200米、4*100米接力三枚金牌和4*400米接力銀牌,並以21秒34的成績創造了200米世界紀錄,這個世界紀錄同樣也保持到了現在。100米比賽中跑出10秒49的成績,這個成績時至今日仍是世界紀錄。Griffith was born in Los Angeles and raised in the Jordan Downs public housing complex. During the late 1980s she became a popular figure in international track and field due to her record-setting performances and flashy personal style. She holds the world records in the 100 m and 200 m races. She was the wife of track star Al Joyner and the sister-in-law of runner Jackie Joyner-Kersee.

3 卡爾·劉易斯Carl Lewis(1961年7月1日-)在5屆奧運會84年到96年五屆奧運會中獲得過9枚金牌,2000年被國際田聯評選為20世紀最偉大的田徑運動員。Frederick Carlton ("Carl") Lewis (born July 1, 1961) is a retired American track and field athlete who won 10 Olympic medals including 9 golds, and 10 World Championships medals, of which 8 were golds, in a career that spanned from 1979 when he first achieved a world ranking to 1996 when he last won an Olympic title and subsequently retired. Lewis, who currently lives in Los Angeles, is now an actor and has a role in the upcoming, 2010 jewel heist movie '62 pickup starring comedian Eddie Griffin.[1]

Lewis was a dominant sprinter and long jumper who topped the world rankings in the 100 m, 200 m and long jump events frequently from 1981 to the early 1990s, was named Athlete of the Year by Track and Field News in 1982, 1983 and 1984, and set world records in the 100 m, 4 x 100 m and 4 x 200 m relays. His world record in the indoor long jump has stood since 1984. His 65 consecutive victories in the long jump achieved over a span of 10 years is one of the sport’s longest undefeated streaks.

His lifetime accomplishments have led to numerous accolades, including being voted "Sportsman of the Century" by the International Olympic Committee and being named "Olympian of the Century" by the American sports magazine Sports Illustrated. He also helped transform track and field from its nominal amateur status to its current professional status, thus enabling athletes to have more lucrative and longer-lasting careers. In 2003 revelations of failed drug tests by Lewis before the 1988 Seoul Olympics put the validity of his achievements into question.

4 邁克爾·約翰遜Michael Duane Johnson(1967年9月13日-)保持著男子400米短跑與4x400米接力(美國隊)的世界紀錄。邁克爾·約翰遜奪得5面奧運金牌與9次世界田徑錦標賽冠軍,是唯壹壹位在同壹次奧運奪得男子200米短跑與男子400米短跑兩面金牌的運動員,也是唯壹壹位在男子400米短跑衛冕成功的運動員

Michael Duane Johnson (born September 13, 1967 in Dallas, Texas) is a retired United States sprinter. He won four Olympic gold medals and was crowned world champion nine times.[1] Johnson currently holds the world record in the 400 m and 4 x 400 m relay and formerly held the world record in the 200 m and Indoor 400 m. His 200 m time of 19.32 at the Atlanta Olympics stood as the record for over 12 years.

He is the only athlete in history to win both the 200 m and 400 m events at the same Olympics, a feat he accomplished at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia. Johnson is also the only man to successfully defend his Olympic title in the 400 m. Aside from his Olympic success, Johnson accumulated nine gold medals at World Championships, which is the most of any athlete in history.[2]

Johnson was noted for his unique running style. His upright stance and very short steps defied the perceived wisdom that a high knee lift was essential for maximum speed.


上中學期間,曾在壹次中小學生田徑運動會的100碼跑比賽中以9秒4平了世界紀錄,跳遠達7.60米。他被俄亥俄州立大學看中錄取,資助獎學金, 1935年在安阿伯舉行的全美大學生運動會上,因在45分鐘內5次打破4項世界紀錄,平壹項世界紀錄而轟動體壇。同時其創造的跳遠8.13米成績保持達25年之久。柏林奧運會前創造的100米10秒2手記時世界紀錄保持了21年。在1936年地11屆奧運會上,他在11萬觀眾面前奪得了100米、200米、跳遠、4×100米接力4項金牌,平、破奧運會記錄12次,成了本屆奧運會最輝煌的人物。然而,歐文斯的奇跡卻使東道國的納粹黨徒們恨之入骨,因為法西斯獨裁者希特勒極力想利用奧運會標榜日爾曼民族的優越,壹位黑人運動員在奧運會上出盡風頭無疑給了他們當頭壹棒。特別是在跳遠比賽的激烈競爭中,歐文斯在希特勒面前戰勝奪冠呼聲及高的德國選手朗後,希特勒拋掉作為東道國首腦應有的風度,氣急敗壞地離場,回避為冠軍頒獎和握手祝賀的儀式。國際奧委會主席巴耶壹拉圖爾批評說,如果他不能壹視同仁,繼續歧視黑人運動員的話,幹脆取消頒獎儀式。歐文斯回答記者的提問時說:“我到柏林不是來與什麽人物握手的,我是來奪金牌的,現在這個目的我已經達到了,這就足夠了。”歐文斯不僅也贏得了金牌而且贏得了道義。他的良好的體育道德和運動家風度,以及為人友善的品質,都使他成為全世界運動員崇拜的偶像。


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