英文解釋商品供需與物價的關系Simple Economics: Understanding Supply and Demand
Today OPEC powerhouse Saudia Arabia said that they are going to cut down on oil production to level out the prices. How much you ask? Try 2 million barrels per day! Is that going to impact the downward spiral in gas prices? Absolutely
Here’s the basic principle: the more you want something, the more you’ll pay for it, right? Imagine if there were 1 million super bowl tickets available for sale for this year’s game. Would that effect how much you and I pay to see the game in person? Definitely! The novelty of actually attending the super bowl wears off when EVERYBODY gets to do it, right? So in response we don’t pay as much for tickets. Do you remember when Tickle Me Elmo was popular? People were paying insane amounts of money for this particular stuffed animal! When the Nintendo Wii came out, it was the same story.
When there less of any product or service available, we tend to pay more for it. If there is plenty out there and there’s really no petition or rush to pick up the product, it usually doesn’t go for as much.
So what does this all have to do with oil?
Since our markets have been crashing downwards, the overall demand for gas has dropped. Whether it be that people aren’t driving as much because they don’t have a job to go to, or they’re just being more careful about how much they’re driving period, we can’t say. But the fact remains that the world isn’t buying as much gas. As gas is being produced, there is more supply than demand and the equilibrium is thrown off; therefore, gas prices are falling.
So in response to all of this, Saudia Arabia is going to produce less in hope of dropping supply to fall where demand lies; that, in turn, would hopefully level out the pricing.
In essence, we have a much greater supply of gas than the world needs right now. To help level out gas prices, the OPEC is going to do whatever it can!
Can you blame them? Oil has dropped nearly 70% since its peak in July!
jewelry salers are a group of people who specialize in jewelry business,involving production, sales, marketing and after sales service.
請問電子商務的英文解釋是什麽?謝謝Electronic merce( the Electronic Commerce), mean business the both parties' rely on the calculator neork( mainly mean Inter). aording to certain standard carry on of each kind of pany's 貿 activity.The electronic merce is a kind of to rely on the modern information technique and the neork techniques, gathering the finance electronical, manage information-based, pany the 貿 information neork changes into the integral whole, the aim is carrying out the logistics, funds to flow to flow the new trade method that diapason unify with information, is to trade the movable whole process electronical, the neork turns to turn with numeral.The electronic merce brought huge impact for traditional trade method, arousing the change of the economy structure, is a pany revolution of the 貿 method, drive international think up is an important motivation of the economic development of 21 centuries, even can develop to the economy with 200 year ago Industrial Revolutions of promote place on equal footing, the traditional business enterprise enters the electronic merce realm distinctly currently, just bee the phenomenon of the universal world
電子商務(Electronic Commerce),是指買賣雙方之間依托計算機網路(主要是指Inter).按照壹定的標準所進行的各類商貿活動。電子商務是壹種依托現代資訊科技和網路技術,集金融電子化、管理資訊化、商貿資訊網路化為壹體,旨在實現物流、資金流與資訊流和諧統壹的新型貿易方式,是貿易活動全過程的電子化、網路化和數字化。電子商務給傳統的貿易方式帶來了巨大的沖擊,帶動了經濟結構的變革,是壹場商貿方式的革命,被國際上認為是21世紀經濟發展的壹個重要推動力,甚至可以與200年前工業革命對經濟發展的促進相提並論,目前傳統企業大舉進入電子商務領域,正在成為普及全球的現象
consumer market的英文解釋是什麽. 商務英語試題.謝謝了consumer market
Consumer is a broad label for any individuals or households that use goods and services generated within the economy. The concept of a consumer ours in different contexts, so that the usage and significance of the term may vary.
The "consumer" is the one who consumes the goods and services produced. As such, consumers plays a vital role in the economic system of a nation because in the absence of the effective demand that emanates from them, the economy virtually collapses. Mahatma Gandhi said a customer is the most important visitor in our premises. He is not dependent on us, we are on him. He is not an interruption to our work, he is the purpose of it[citation needed].
Typically when business people and economists talk of consumers they are talking about person as consumer, an aggregated modity item with little individuality other than that expressed in the buy/not-buy decision. However there is a trend in marketing to individualize the concept. Instead of generating broad demographic profiles and psycho-graphic profiles of market segments, marketers have started to engage in personalized marketing, permission marketing, and mass customization.[1]
There is increasing backlash from the public over use of the label "consumer" rather than "customer", with many finding it offensive and derogatory. [2]
when it es to的英文解釋是什麽?謝謝當說到 .....的時候, 當涉及到....的時候
1. When it es to chocolate, resistance is futile.
2. Memory leaks are biggest problems when it es to production servers.
“華強北商業區”的英文解釋Huaqiang North shopping district
strategic alliances的概念,要英文解釋的,謝謝!Strategic Alliances applies not only to the petroleum and electric utility industries, but to any major industry dependent upon the purchase and sales of goods and services. The strategic alliance concept allows businesses and suppliers to work together in creative new unions that reduce costs and increase profitability for all parties -- if they are developed and managed correctly.