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廣州溢隆實業有限公司的專利及資質 Patent and Qualification

專利 Patent


The company own Certification of Invention Patent, approved by the State Intellectual Property Bureau of the People’s Republic of China. “移動轉動升降無避讓上層停車臺”(YL-B型)

專利證書(發明專利,專利號Patent N0.:ZL200410026901.4)

The Mechanical Vertical Parking Machine,(The Mechanical Double Deck Parking Equipment), able to forward, backward, revolving and lifting, so that landed parking vehicle no need to avoid. “升降擺動上層停車臺”(YL-A型)

The Mechanical Vertical Parking Machine,(The Mechanical lifting and swing Double Deck Parking Equipment).

專利證書(實用新型,專利號Patent N0.::ZL02227131.7) 公司獲得國家質量技術監督檢驗局頒發的 (1) 中華人民***和國特種設備制造許可證

(2) 中華人民***和國特種設備安裝、改造、維修許可證

License of manufacture, installation, reconstruct and maintenance for the particular equipment,approved by the People’s Republic of China. 質量管理體系認證證書IS0 9001

Quality Management System Certification, ISO 9001

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