The biological technology rapid development has caused the humanity toenter the new times which a predecessor imagines with difficulty. Thethe human genome project is for the purpose of analyzing measuredforeword humanity gene group all genes, namely the DNA sequence whichby A, T, C, the G four kind of alkali bases constitutes. The modernbiological technology industry involves the intellectual propertyrights extent of protection is very broad, including the patent, thetrademark, the copyright (copyright), the industrial product outwardappearance design, the business secret and counter- not right competesand so on. Most has the biological technology characteristic also mostimportant protection is the patent protection. Therefore this articlemain introduction biological technology patent protection question,and slightly introduced to other forms protections.
上一篇:國內MBR企業哪家做得比較好?下一篇:Aauto Quicker的賣地軟件侵權。