--Jason Mraz
When I wake up,當我醒來,
and the day begins,壹天開始,
do I hold my breath我屏住呼吸
and count to ten?數到10?
Or will it be three?還是會3?
We'll see, we'll see.我們可以看到,我們拭目以待。
It depends on which day of the week.這取決於該星期幾。
And so I sing out,所以,我唱出來,
I sing out loud.我唱大聲。
I'm just one tiny motherfucker singing proud.我只是壹個小娘歌而感到自豪。
Singing glory,歌唱榮耀,
Yeah, that'll do.是啊,這怎麽辦。
Yeah, that'll do.是啊,這怎麽辦。
In the arms of a city在壹個城市的武器
that holds no trace for,保存不跟蹤,
the face or,臉上或,
space for you and me.空間為妳和我。
So go make your life,因此,請讓妳的生活,
not a living.不是生活。
Singing glory,歌唱榮耀,
Yeah, that'll do.是啊,這怎麽辦。
There's things to know,有知道的事情,
and so we're told.因此,我們被告知。
But the days但天
keep rolling on so painfully slow.就這樣不斷滾動極為緩慢。
They say there's ways to grow,他們說,有辦法增長,
but blow by blow,但打擊的打擊,
Ya see, it all gets lost somewhere.亞見,這壹切就丟失了某個地方。
See, I already forgot.妳看,我已經忘了。
So sing out,所以唱出來,
Sing out loud.大聲唱。
You can be another mother fucker singing proud.妳可以另壹位媽媽笨蛋唱歌自豪。
Singing glory,歌唱榮耀,
Remind me, glory, glory, glory, hallelu...提醒我,榮耀,榮耀,榮耀,hallelu ...
We should all keep pretending,我們都應該假裝,
that our dreams are patent pending,我們的夢想正在申請專利,
You should see您應該看到
some of the scenes that I've seen.壹些我所看到的場面。
And I know love,我知道愛,
'cause I've flown above '我的事業上面飛行
and beyond,及以後,
but it's still too long of a wait.但它仍然過於漫長的等待。
So I sing out,所以,我唱出來,
I sing out loud,我唱大聲,
We can be 10,000 mother fuckers singing proud,我們可以萬母親fuckers唱歌自豪,
Sing out glory, glory, glory, glory, hallelu..唱出榮耀,榮耀,榮耀,榮耀,hallelu ..
Yea, that'll do,是啊,這將做,
Yea, that'll do.是啊,該怎麽辦。
I'll sing my stories for you,我會為妳唱我的故事,
and you will sing for me, too,妳會為我唱歌,也
and together,壹起,
we can make it through.我們可以通過。
They say,他們說,
"When you sing you're prayin' twice." “當妳唱妳prayin'兩次。”
Don't that sound nice?不要說聽起來不錯?
So, rise up,因此,站起來,
come on, and give it a try.來吧,並給它壹試。
So sing out,所以唱出來,
Sing out loud,大聲唱,
We can be 6 billion mother fuckers singing proud,我們可以是60億歌唱祖國fuckers自豪,
Oh, sing it loud,哦,大聲唱,
Sing glory,星榮耀,
Glory, glory, glory,榮耀,榮耀,榮耀,
Hallelu... Hallelu ... Hallelu... Hallelu ... Hallelu... Hallelu ...
Hal...哈爾... Hal...哈爾... Hallelu... Hallelu ... Hallelu... Hallelu ... jah...紮哈...
Hallelu... Hallelu ...
Oh, say hallelu.哦,說hallelu