1) 承擔的“國家863計劃和火炬計劃項目--DCY900型輪胎式運梁車”,已順利通過國家驗收,其成果填補了國內空白,使我國成為繼德國和意大利之後,第三個掌握該技術和擁有該產品的國家,其技術達到國際先進水平。其產品標準也被升為國家標準,獲得了鄭州市科學技術獎壹等獎和河南省科學技術獎二等獎。
2) 承擔的國家十五重大技術裝備研制項目“南水北調大型水利渡槽施工成套技術和裝備的研制”,已通過國家驗收,使我國成為目前國內、外首次將橋梁技術和工藝引入水利渡槽施工的國家。
3) 承擔的鐵道部科技攻關項目“DPG500型鋪軌機組”,填補了國內空白,使我國成為繼美國、瑞典和奧地利之後,第四個掌握該技術和擁有該產品的國家。
4)承擔了國家科技支撐計劃項目:高大空間建築工程安裝維護設備技術與產業化開發 ,該項目將填補國內空白,成功突破自行式高空作業車關鍵技術,同時爭取取得具有國際領先或先進的技術成果,使該設備綜合性能指標達到國際同類產品的先進水平。
5)承擔的河南省重點高新技術產業化項目已通過驗收,該項目的實施使企業新增銷售收入4億元,新增利稅 5000多萬元。
6) 承擔的鄭州市重大科技攻關計劃項目“DF900噸級高速鐵路架設和搬運設備研制”,已通過省部級鑒定,填補了國內空白,其技術達到國際先進水平,並獲得了鄭州市科技進步壹等獎。
7) 承擔了多項二七區科技攻關計劃項目:“DLT450型輪胎式提梁機”、“DFYT60Y消防雲梯” 等,取得了良好的經濟和社會效益。
DCY系列動力平板運輸車是該公司於1999年獨立自主研發的“機-電-液”壹體化高科技產品,公司擁有該產品完全自主知識產權,產品獲得國家實用新型專利:變幅動力平板運輸車(ZL 01 2 40166.8); 雙管路安全閥(ZL 03254678.5)。
經過八年多的不斷改進和完善。該產品已升級至第六代,從設計理念、 制造及裝配工藝、測試及試驗方面均有了較大的改進和提高,產品性能已達到國際先進水平。
Brief Introduction
Zhengzhou Dafang Bridge-machine Co. Ltd is a National High-tech & Innovative Enterprise specialized in designing and making Heavy Engineering Machinery Equipments. With technical innovation, our company has successfully designed & manufactured a series of important engineering construction & fabrication equipments with Independent Intellectual property rights in the fields of Express highway, Railway express, Hydraulic Engineering, Magnetic Suspension Expressway, Shipyard, Harbor Construction, Military Engineering etc, among which we got more than 20 National patents, created over 10 No.1 in domestic China, and fill in over 20 National gaps, which makes our technology and products in lead on heavy fabrication equipments in China, some of which even leading the world. The advanced technology has greatly improved our core competition. What’s more, with the advanced technology, very good price as well as an experienced A/S team, our products have successfully exported to Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippine, Indonesia, Thailand, Bangladeshi, Hongkong, as well as Bulgaria, etc.
In 1984, establishment of Zhengzhou Dafang.
In 1995, successfully designed & made the 1st unit of 150t diagonal-cable type bridge girder-erecting machine in China and used in the construction of Jiangyin Yangtzi River Bridge.
In 1997, successfully designed & made the 1st unit of 1000t bridge-fabrication machine in China and used in the construction of Xiamen Haicang Bridge.
In 1999, successfully designed & made the 1st unit of 450t Girder carrier in China and used in Qinghuangdao-Shenyang Railway Express.
In 2000, successfully designed & made the 1st unit of Water Trough Bridge-fabrication Machine in China and used in the construction of Dongguan-Shenzhen water-supply project.
In 2001, successfully designed & made the 1st unit of 100t Shipyard Transporter in China and used in Zhejiang shipyard Ltd for the displacement of blocks.
In 2001, successfully designed & made the 1st unit of 200t Wheel-type Mobile Gantry Crane in China and used in the construction of Shanghai Magnetic Suspension project.
In 2004, successfully designed & made the 1st unit of 900t Girder carrier in China and used in Railway Express Highway project.
In 2005, successfully designed & made the 1st unit of 900t Tyre Mounted Gantry Crane in China, used in Railway Express Highway project.
In 2006, successfully designed & made the 1st unit of DPG500 Rail Layer in China, used in Railway Express.
In 2007, successfully designed & made the 1st unit of 125t metallurgy self-propelled hydraulic transporter, used in Jiangsu Shagang Group, a steel plant in Jiangsu Province, China.
By far, over 300 units of bridge-fabrication machines & more than 600 units of gantry cranes are successfully designed & used.
By far, over 200 units of shipyard transporters are successfully made & used in ship yards home and abroad.
Undertook some National high-tech projects, such as DCY900 Girder carrier research project, one of China’s National projects called 863 projects, and successfully made it in 2004. Besides, undertook DPG500 Rail Layer Research project issued by the national Railway Department and successfully made it in 2006, as well as Df900 bridge fabrication machine and DLT900 type-mounted gantry crane.
Developed by Dafang people, DCY series self-propelled hydraulic transporter is a high-tech product integrating Mechanical, Electronic and Hydraulic, and our company holds independent intellectual property right on this, besides, DCY series transporter as well as double-tube safety valve which is used in the transporter have gained National patents, the patent NO. is ZL 01 2 40166.8 and ZL 03254678.5 relatively. The equipment uses the technology of hydraulic driving, hydraulic suspension, independent steering, platform hydraulic leveling and CAN-BUS micro-electronic control, etc. With 8 years’ constant research & development, the equipment has come to the 6th generation which is more reliable than the previous ones, no matter on design philosophy, manufacture & assembly arts, test and experiment, and the performance & reliability has reached international level. DCY series transporter is used for the displacement of steel blocks in shipyards, in steel plants as well as for the displacement of pre-fabrication bridge girders in highway & railway express construction.