當前位置:律師網大全 - 專利申請 - 中華人民***和國行業標準QB1805的內容




標準編號 標準中文名稱 標準英文名稱

GB18057-2000 居住區大氣中正己烷衛生標準 Hygienic standard for n-hexane in air of residential area

GB/T11805-1999 水輪發電機組自動化元件(裝置)及其系統基本技術條件 Basic specifications of automatic control components(devices) and their related system for hydroturbine-generating sets

GB/T1805-2001 彈簧術語 Nomenclature of springs

GB/T18052-2000 套管、油管和管線管螺紋的測量和檢驗方法 Gauging and inspection of casing, tubing and line pipe threads

GB/T18051-2000 潛油電泵振動試驗方法 Recommended pratice on electric submcrsible pump system vibration tests

GB18053-2000 工業廢渣中氰化物衛生標準 Hygienic standard for cyanide in industrial waste

GB18056-2000 居住區大氣中甲硫醇衛生標準 Hygienic standard for methylmercaptan in air of residential areas

GB18059-2000 居住區大氣中偏二甲基肼衛生標準 Hygienic standard for unsymmetric dimethyl hydrazine in residential area air

GB/T18050-2000 潛油電泵電纜試驗方法 Recommended practice for testing of electric submersible pump cable systems

GB18058-2000 居住區大氣中壹甲基肼衛生標準 Hygienic standard for monomethyl-hydrazine in air of residential areas

GB18055-2000 村鎮規劃衛生標準 Hygienic standards for township-village planning

GB18054-2000 居住區大氣中苯並(a)芘衛生標準 Hygienic standard for benzo(a)pyrene in the atmospheric air of residential areas

ENV 1805-1-1998 HVAC應用管理網的數據通信 第1部分:建築自動化和控制網絡 Data communication for HVAC application management net - Part 1: Building automation and control networking (BACnet)

ENV 1805-2-1995 HVAC應用網的數據通信 第2部分:建築自動化開放通信的系統中性數據傳輸 Data communication for HVAC application management net - Part 2: System neutral data transmission by open communication for building automation (FND)

UL 1805-2002 實驗室防護罩和安全櫃 (Laboratory Hoods and Cabinets )

QB/T1805.1-1993 工業用α-澱粉酶制劑

QB/T1805.2-1993 工業用糖化酶制劑

QB/T1805.3-1993 工業用蛋白酶制劑






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