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A German patent in 1904 contained the earliest recorded proposal for a color television system. 壹個在1904年德國專利包含彩色電視系統的最早記載建議。 In 1925, Zworykin filed a patent disclosure for an all-electronic colour television system. 1925年, Zworykin 提出了壹個全電子彩色電視系統的專利披露。 Both of these systems were not successful, however, they were the first for color television. 這些系統都沒有成功,但是,他們的彩電第壹。 A successful color television system began commercial broadcasting, first authorized by the FCC on December 17, 1953 based on a system designed by RCA. 壹個成功的彩色電視系統,1953年12月17日開始,首先由FCC授權的商業廣播的基礎上設計了壹個系統由RCA。 "Between 1946 and 1950 the research staff of RCA Laboratories invented the world's first electronic, monochrome compatible, color television system." “1946年和1950年之間的RCA實驗室的研究人員發明了世界上第壹個電子,單色兼容,彩色電視系統。” - From IEEE Milestone Plaque. -從IEEE裏程碑牌匾。 In 1940, prior to RCA, CBS researchers led by Peter Goldmark invented a mechanical color television system based on the 1928 designs of John Logie Baird .在1940年之前,到RCA,由彼得·黃金廣場率領的哥倫比亞廣播公司的研究人員發明了壹種機械的約翰·洛吉貝爾德基於對1928年設計的彩色電視系統。 The FCC authorized CBS's color television technology as the national standard in October of 1950, despite the fact that the system was bulky, flickered, and was not compatible with earlier black and white sets. FCC的認可CBS的顏色作為國家標準於1950年10月的電視技術,盡管事實上,該系統是笨重,閃爍,不兼容早期的黑色和白色的套。 RCA sued to stop the public broadcasting of CBS based systems.的RCA起訴哥倫比亞廣播公司的系統停止公***廣播。 CBS had begun color broadcasting on five East Coast stations in June of 1951. CBS已經開始在五個東海岸電臺於1951年6月彩色廣播。 However, at that time 10.5 million black and white televisions (half RCA sets) had been sold to the public and very few color sets.然而,當時的10.5萬個黑白電視的RCA(半套)已出售 給公眾和極少數的顏色集。 Color television production was halted during the Korean war, with that and the lawsuits, and the sluggish sales, the CBS system failed.彩電生產期間停止朝鮮戰爭,與該訴訟,銷售不暢,CBS系統失敗。 Those factors provided RCA with the time to design a better color television, which they based on the 1947 patent application of Alfred Schroeder, for a shadow mask CRT. 這些因素提供的時間設計出更好的彩色電視,這是他們根據阿爾弗雷德·施羅德1947年專利申請的蔭罩CRT,RCA。 Their system passed FCC approval in late 1953 and sales of RCA color televisions began in 1954. 他們的系統在1953年末通過了FCC的批準,並於1954年開始銷售RCA彩電。

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