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[1] Hailin Huang, Zongquan Deng, Xiaozhi Qi and Bing Li. Virtual Chain Approach for Mobility Analysis of Multiloop Deployable Mechanisms. Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design. 135(11), 111002, Sep 24, 2013.

[2] Bing Li, Hongjian Yu, Xiaojun Yang, VariationAnalysis and Robust Fixture Design of a Flexible Fixturing System for SheetMetal Assembly, ASME Transactions Journal of Manufacturing Science andEngineering, 2010, Vol.132, Issue 4, 041014

[3] Bing Li, B. W. Shiu and K. J. Lau, 2003,Robust Fixture Configuration Design for Sheet Metal Assembly with LaserWelding, ASME Transactions Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering,Vol. 125, Issue 1, pp.120-127

[4] Yan Zhao, Bing Li, Jiahu Qin, Huijun Gao andHamid Reza Karimi. H∞ consensus and synchronization of nonlinear systems basedon a novel fuzzy model. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, PartB. 2013.(accepted)

[5] Hailin Huang, Bing Li, Z. Deng, Y. Hu, A6-DOF Adaptive Parallel Manipulator with Large Tilting Capacity, Robotics andComputer Integrated Manufacturing, 28 (2012) 275–283.

[6] Bing Li, Wei Zhao, Z. Deng, Modeling andAnalysis of a Multi-dimensional Vibration Isolator Based on Parallel Mechanism,SMEJournal of Manufacturing Systems, Volume 31, Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 50–58

[7] Bing Li,Yuan Chen,Z.Deng, W. Xu, Conceptual Design and Analysis of the 2T1R Mechanism for aCooking Robot, Robotics and Autonomous Systems 59 (2011) 74-83

[8] Ying Hu, Bing Li, Robust Design and Analysisof 4PUS-1RPU Parallel Mechanism for a 5-DOF Hybrid Kinematics Machine,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal ofEngineering Manufacture, 2011, Vol.225, pp.685-698

[9] Bing Li, Wei Zhao, Z. Deng, Modeling andAnalysis of a Multi-dimensional Vibration Isolator Based on Parallel Mechanism,SMEJournal of Manufacturing Systems, 2011, to appear

[10] Bing Li, Hongjian Yu, Hong Hu, 2010,Stiffness modeling of a novel class of 6-DoF parallel robots with three limbsbased on screw theory, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol.24,No.1, pp.373-382

[11] Yuan Chen, Bing Li, Dynamic modeling andperformance analysis of a 3-DOF pan mechanism for a cooking robot, MechanicsBased Design of Structures and Machines, An International Journal, 2010,Vol.38, Issue 2, pp.243-260

[12] Hongjian Yu, Bing Li, Xiaojun Yang, 2010,Structural synthesis and variation analysis of a family of 6-DoF parallelmechanisms with three limbs, International Journal of Robotics andAutomation,Vol.25, No.2, pp.121-131

[13] Li Bing, Yang Xiaojun, Hu Ying, Donglai Zhang,2009, Quality Design of Tolerance Allocation for Sheet Metal Assembly withResistance Spot Weld, International Journal of Production Research, Volume 47,Issue 6 , pages 1695-1711

[14] Li Bing, Xiaojun Yang, Jianguo Zhao, 2009,Minimum Time Trajectory Generation for a Novel Robotic Manipulator,International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol.5,No. 2, pp.369-378

[15] Li Bing, Jianguo Zhao, Xiaojun Yang, Ying Hu,2009,Kinematic Analysis of a Novel Three Degree of freedom Planar ParallelManipulator, International Journal of Robotics and Automation, No.2, pp.158-165

[16] Bing Li, Ying Hu, Hui Tang, 2007, A comparativestudy on quality design of fixture planning for sheet metal assembly, Journalof Engineering Design,Vol.18,Issue4,pp.303-315

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