1. Liu Quansheng, Xu Xichang, Wang Chongge, T. Yamaguchi, Time-Temperature Equivalence for Rocks, Vol. 306-308: 1397-1402, March 2006, Key Engineering Materials.
2. Liu Quansheng, Xu Guangmiao, Study on Basic Mechanical Behaviors of Rocks at Low Temperatures, Vol. 306-308: 1479-1484, March 2006, Key Engineering Materials.
3. Liu Quansheng, Hu Yunhua, On Stability and Support Measures of Rock Mass Surrounding A Diphead of A Coal Mine, Vol.326-328: 1611-1616, Sept. 2006, Key Engineering Materials.
4. Quansheng Liu, Guangmiao Xu, Xiaoyan Liu, Experimental and Theoretical Study on Freezying-Thawing Damage Propagation of Saturated Rocks, Issues 7 and 8 , March 2008, International Journal of Modern Physics B.
5. LIU Quansheng, LIU Bin, GAO Wei, Study On the Damage Evolution Equation of Rockburst, Vol. 33-37:663-668, Mar. 2008, Advanced Materials Research.
6. Liu Quansheng, Xu Guangmiao, Wu Yuexiu, The Thermo-Hydro Coupled Model of Low-Temperature Rock in Consideration of Phase Change, Vol. 33-37:645-650, Mar. 2008, Advanced Materials Research.
7. Liu Quansheng, Zhang Chengyuan, Liu Xiaoyan, Numerical Modelling and Simulation of Coupled THM Processes in Task_D of DECOVALEX_Ⅳ, Vol. 25: 709-720, April 2006, Yanshilixue Yu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering.
8. Liu Quansheng, Xu Xichang, Tsutomu Yamaguchi, Mechanical Properties of TGP Granite in Dependence on Temperature and Time, Sept., 2001, Proc. 2nd ARMS, Beijing.
9. Liu Quansheng, Ding Duowen, Zhu Weishen, The Design and Effect of Anchoring Supporting for Weak Rockmass Surrounding Galleries, Ninth Int. Conf Assoc. for the Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Wuhan, China, Sep., 1997.
10. Quansheng Liu et al,Analysis on the Reinforcement of an Under-ground Civil-Defence Gallery beneath a Building, Proc. Regional Symposium on Sedimentary Rock Engineering, Taipei, Nov. 20~22, 1998
11. Q.S. Liu, X.Y. Liu & C.Y. Zhang, Numerical Simulation of THM Coupled Processes in Task_D of Decovalex_IV, part I, Proceedings of International Symposium on Engineered Barriers for High Level Radioactive Waste Disposal(ISEB-2005), pp178-184, 2005/9/8-2005/9/10, Tongji University and Ecole National des Ponts et Chaussee.
12. Q.S. Liu, X.Y. Liu & C.Y. Zhang,Numerical Simulation of THM Coupled Processes in Task_D of Decovalex_IV, part Ⅱ, pp185-193, 2005/9/8-2005/9/10, Tongji University and Ecole National des Ponts et Chaussee.
13. Q.Liu, C.Wang, Study on time-temperature equivalence principle for rocks, Geoproc2003, International Conference on Coupled THMC Processes in Geo-systems, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden, october 2003.
14. Quansheng Liu, Chengyuan Zhang, Xiaoyan Liu, A practical method for coupled THM simulation of the Yucca Moutain and Febex case examples for Task D of the DECOVALEX THMC project, Proceedings of the GEOPRC2006 International Symposium:2nd International Conference on Coupled THMC Processes in Geo-system, Nanjing, China, May, 2006
15. 劉泉聲,張偉,盧興利等,斷層破碎帶大斷面巷道的安全監控與穩定性分析,巖石力學與工程學報,2010,29(10)
16. 劉泉聲,白山雲,肖春喜,高瑋,基於現場監控量測的龍潭隧道施工期圍巖穩定性研究,巖石力學與工程學報,2007,26(10)
17. 劉泉聲,胡雲華,劉濱,基於試驗的花崗巖漸進破壞本構模型研究,巖土力學,2009,30(2),
18. 劉泉聲,張華,林濤,煤礦深部巖巷圍巖穩定與支護對策,巖石力學與工程學報,2004,23(21)
19. 劉泉聲,徐光苗, 光纖測量技術在巖土工程中的應用,巖石力學與工程學報,2004,23(2)
20. 劉泉聲,張華, 對煤礦深部圍巖穩定與支護幾個關鍵問題的認識,巖石力學與工程學報,2003,增(2)
21. 劉泉聲,陳剛, 花崗巖時-溫等效原理的進壹步驗證,巖石力學與工程學報,2003,22(11)
22. 劉泉聲,王崇革, 巖石時-溫等效原理的理論與實驗研究——第壹部分:巖石時-溫等效原理的熱力學基礎,巖石力學與工程學報,2002,21(2),
23. 劉泉聲,許錫昌,山口勉,長秋雄, 巖石時-溫等效原理的理論與實驗研究——第二部分:巖石時-溫等效原理的主曲線與移位因子,巖石力學與工程學報,2002,21(3)
24. 劉泉聲,許錫昌, 三峽花崗巖與溫度及時間相關的力學性質試驗研究,巖石力學與工程學報,2001,20(5)
25. 劉泉聲,王誌儉, 砂-膨潤土混合物膨脹力影響因素的研究,巖石力學與工程學報,2002,21(7)
26. 劉泉聲,許錫昌, 溫度作用下脆性巖石的損傷分析,巖石力學與工程學報,2000,19(4)
27. 劉泉聲,吳玉山,劉祖德,高層建築深基坑工程在中國的發展,巖石力學與工程學報,1997,16(4)
28. 劉泉聲,劉小燕,張程遠,劉亞晨,核廢料貯存裂隙巖體THM耦合研究進展與展望,國防科工委高放廢物地質處置研討會論文集,pp76-88,2005年8月,北京.
29. 劉泉聲,張程遠,劉小燕,DECOVALEX_IV之TASK_D THM耦合分析模擬專題中的研究進展,國防科工委高放廢物地質處置研討會論文集,pp125-132,2005年8月,北京.
30. 劉泉聲,巖石時溫等效效應及其在核廢料貯存庫圍巖長期穩定性分析中的應用,國防科工委高放廢物地質處置研討會論文集,pp227-235,2005年8月,北京.
31. 劉泉聲,許錫昌,巖石時溫等效效應及其在核廢料貯存庫圍巖長期穩定型分析中的應用,國防科工委高放核廢物地質處置學術研討會,2004年7月,北京.
32. 劉泉聲,張華,高強錨桿支護及其在大型地下峒室中的應用,油氣地下儲庫國際學術報告會,p170-175,2004年11月,北京。
33. Xiaoyan Liu, Chengyuan Zhang, Quansheng Liu,Multiple-point statistical prediction on fracture networks at Yucca Mountain ,Environmental Geology2009.Volume57,Issue6,pp1361-1370 .
34. Xiaoyan Liu, Chengyuan Zhang, Quansheng Liu, ANALYSIS OF COMPLEXITY IN COUPLED Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical process SIMULATION, Issues 7 and 8 , March 2008, International Journal of Modern Physics B.
35. Chengyuan Zhang, Xiaoyan Liu, Quansheng Liu, An rock-physics-based complex pore-fluid-distribution model to seismic Dynamical response, Issues 7 and 8 , March 2008, International Journal of Modern Physics B.
36.Xiaoyan Liu, Chengyuan Zhang, Quansheng Liu, Coupled THM Model and Simulation of the Yucca Mountain and FEBEX Case Study within DECOVALEX-THMC Framework, Vol. 33-37:639-644, Mar. 2008,Advanced Materials Research.
37.Chengyuan Zhang, Xiaoyan Liu, Quansheng Liu, Study on Uncertainty and Criterion in Model Optimization of Coupled THM Simulation, Vol. 33-37:1135-1140, Mar. 2008,Advanced Materials Research.
38.Xiaoyan Liu, Chengyuan Zhang, Quansheng Liu, Analysis of uncertainty in coupled THM simulations of the FEBEX case example for Task D of the DECOVALEX THMC project, Proceedings of the GEOPRC2006 International Symposium:2nd International Conference on Coupled THMC Processes in Geo-systems, Nanjing, China, May, 2006
39. Zhang Chengyuan, Liu Xiaoyan, Liu Quansheng, Coupled THM processes modeling and stochastic simulation considering spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity in underground storage caverns, Vol.326-328: 561-564, Sept. 2006, Key Engineering Materials.
40. Liu Xiaoyan, Zhang Chengyuan, Liu Quansheng, Experimental and theoretical study of frequency and temperature dependence on seismic attenuation of saturated rocks, Vol.326-328: 1149-1152, Sept. 2006, Key Engineering Materials.
41. Zhang Chengyuan, Liu Xiaoyan, Liu Quansheng,Coupled THM Processes modelling and stochastic simulation considering spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity in underground storage caverns, Proc. of International Workshop on Underground Storage of Oil and Gas in Rock Caverns, Nov. 2004, Beijing.
42. Jiao Yuyong, Liu Quansheng, Guoqijun, Numerical simulation of Yangjiachao landslide, Environment Geology, Sept., 2000, Nanjing, China.
43 Yuyong Jiao,. Xiuli Zhang, Jiao Zhao and Quansheng Liu. Viscous Boundary of DDA for Modeling Stress Wave Propagation in Jointed Rock Mass. International. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences.
44. Yuyong Jiao, Quansheng Liu, Shucai Li, A three-dimensional numerical model for simulating deformation and failure of blocky rock structures, vol306-308: 1391-1396, 2006, Key Engineering Materials.
45. Wang CG, Song ZQ, Chen WZ, Liu QS, Yang CH,study of thermo-rheology characters of rock under the uni-axial compression, vol261-263: 639-644, 2004 , Key Engineering Materials.
46. 徐光苗,劉泉聲,彭萬巍,常小曉,低溫作用下巖石基本力學性質試驗研究,巖石力學與工程學報,2006,25(12)
47. 徐光苗,劉泉聲,巖石凍融破壞機理分析及凍融力學試驗研究,巖石力學與工程學報,2005,24(17)
48. 徐光苗,劉泉聲,張秀麗,凍結溫度下巖體THM完全耦合的理論初步分析,巖石力學與工程學報.,2004,23(21)
49. 焦玉勇,張秀麗,劉泉聲,陳衛忠,用非連續變形分析方法模擬巖石裂紋擴展,巖石力學與工程學報.,2007,26(4)
50. 劉亞晨, 劉泉聲等, 巖體裂隙結構面的溫度-應力-水力耦合本構關系,巖土工程學報,2002,24(2)
51. 許錫昌,劉泉聲, 高溫下花崗巖基本力學性質初步研究,巖土工程學報,2000,22(3)
52. 劉亞晨,劉泉聲,蔡永慶,吳玉山, 核廢料貯庫圍巖介質不可逆過程熱力學和熱彈性,巖石力學與工程學報,2000,19(3)
53. 王誌儉,劉泉聲, 密實砂-膨潤土混合物膨脹特性的試驗研究,巖土力學,2000,21(4)
54. 劉亞晨,劉泉聲,蔡永慶,吳玉山, 溫度飽和水下的裂隙巖體力學特性,巖石力學與工程學報,2002,21(2)
55. 劉亞晨,吳玉山,劉泉聲,核廢料貯存裂隙巖體藕合分析研究綜述,地質災害與環境保護, 1999,10(3)
56. 許錫昌,劉泉聲,跨世紀的巖石力學與工程難題——核廢料處理,中國巖石力學與工程學會第五次學術大會論文集,pp540-546,中國科學技術出版社,1998年9月
57. 郭啟軍,劉泉聲,白冰,長江沿線堤防工程滲透破壞類型及其防滲治理,長江流域洪澇災害與科技對策,科學出版社,pp152-157,1999年1月
58. 焦玉勇,葛修潤,劉泉聲,馮樹仁,三維離散單元法及其在滑坡分析中的應用,巖土工程學報, 2000,22(1)(EI收錄)
59. 張秀麗,焦玉勇,劉泉聲,陳衛忠. 用改進的DDA方法模擬公路隧道的穩定性. 巖土力 學
60. 張秀麗 焦玉勇 劉泉聲. 節理對爆炸波傳播影響的數值研究. 巖土力學
61. 張秀麗,焦玉勇,劉泉聲. 非連續變形分析(DDA)方法中的預應力錨桿模擬. 地下空間與工程學報
62. 焦玉勇,劉泉聲,張秀麗. 巖溶地區隧道穩定性數值模擬研究. 第五屆海峽兩岸隧道與地下工程學術與技術研討會. 臺北,2006,A9-1~A9-7
63. 張程遠,席道瑛,劉泉聲,快速模擬退火淬火反演研究,巖石力學與工程學報,2004,23(2)
64. 楊永香,劉泉聲,焦玉勇,龍潭隧道的流固耦合分析,采礦與安全工程學報,2006,23(3)
65. 王崇革,劉泉聲,劉雙躍,蔣宇靜,單軸應力下巖石的熱-粘彈塑性模型研究,巖石力學與工程學報,2002,21(2)
66. 戴永浩, 陳衛忠,劉泉聲,易小明,深部高地應力巷道斷面優化研究,巖石力學與工程學報,2004,23(2)。
67. 朱維申,李術才,白世偉,劉泉聲,施工過程力學原理的若幹發展和工程實例分析,巖石力學與工程學報,2003,22(10)
68. 徐燕萍,項陽,劉泉聲,呂愛鐘,等參元逆變插值法的研究及其應用,巖土力學,2001,22(2)
69.Hu Yunhua,Liu Quansheng,Experimental study on mechanical properties of granite under repeated loading and unloading,Issues 7 and 8 , March 2008, International Journal of Modern Physics B
70.Liu Bin,Liu Quansheng,Stress analysis of transversely isotropic cylinder under arbitrary axisymmetric load,Issues 7 and 8 , March 2008, International Journal of Modern Physics B
71.WuYuexiu,Liu Quansheng,The analysis on dynamical response of transversely isotropic material under blasting load,Issues 7 and 8 , March 2008, International Journal of Modern Physics B