當前位置:律師網大全 - 商標註冊 - 奧斯卡最佳動畫短片獎的歷屆獲獎作品




1932(5th)Flowers and Trees - Walt Disney Productions, United Artists - Walt Disney

-花與樹Flowers and Trees

1933(6th)Three Little Pigs - Walt Disney Productions, United Artists - Walt Disney

-三只小豬Three Little Pigs

1934(7th)The Tortoise and the Hare - Walt Disney Productions, United Artists - Walt Disney

-烏龜與兔子The Tortoise and the Hare

1935(8th)Three Orphan Kittens - Walt Disney Productions, United Artists - Walt Disney

-三只小孤兒貓Three Orphan Kittens

1936(9th)The Country Cousin - Walt Disney Productions, United Artists - Walt Disney

-鄉巴佬The Country Cousin

1937(10th)The Old Mill - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney

-老磨坊The Old Mill

1938(11th)Ferdinand the Bull - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney

-公牛費迪南德Ferdinand the Bull

1939(12th)The Ugly Duckling - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney

-醜小鴨Ugly Duckling

1940(13th)The Milky Way - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby & Rudolph Ising

-銀河The Milky Way

1941(14th)Lend a Paw - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney

-借壹只爪Lend a Paw

1942(15th)Der Fuehrer's Face - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney

-元首的面孔Der Fuehrer's Face

1943(16th)The Yankee Doodle Mouse - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby

-揚基都德鼠The Yankee Doodle Mouse

1944(17th)Mouse Trouble - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby

-老鼠的麻煩Mouse Trouble

1945(18th)Quiet Please! - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby

-請安靜! Quiet Please!

1946(19th)The Cat Concerto - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby

-貓的協奏曲The Cat Concerto

1947(20th)Tweetie Pie - Warner Bros. - Edward Selzer

-小鳥派Tweetie Pie

1948(21st)The Little Orphan - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby

-小孤兒The Little Orphan

1949(22nd)For Scent-imental Reasons - Warner Bros. - Edward Selzer

-臭美公子的追求For Scent-imental Reasons

1950(23rd)Gerald McBoing-Boing - United Productions of America, Columbia - Stephen Bosustow

-砰砰傑瑞德Gerald McBoing-Boing

1951(24th)The Two Mouseketeers - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby

-兩個火槍鼠The Two Mouseketeers

1952(25th)Johann Mouse - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby

-老鼠約翰Johann Mouse

1953(26th)Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom - Walt Disney Productions, Buena Vista Distribution - Walt Disney

-嘟嘟,噓噓,砰砰和咚咚Toot Whistle Plunk and Boom

1954(27th)When Magoo Flew - United Productions of America, Columbia - Stephen Bosustow

-馬鴣飛去時When Magoo Flew

1955(28th)Speedy Gonzales - Warner Bros. - Edward Selzer

-飛毛腿岡薩雷斯Speedy Gonzales

1956(29th)Magoo's Puddle Jumper - United Productions of America, Columbia - Stephen Bosustow

-馬鴣先生的小車Mister Magoo's Puddle Jumper

1957(30th)Birds Anonymous - Warner Bros. - Edward Selzer

-吃鳥癮Birds Anonymous

1958(31st)Knighty Knight Bugs - Warner Bros. - John W. Burton

-勇敢騎士兔八哥Knighty Knight Bugs

1959(32nd)Moonbird - Storyboard-Harrison - John Hubley and Faith Elliott Hubley


1960(33rd)Munro - Rembrandt Films, Film Representations - William L. Snyder


1961(34th)Ersatz (The Substitute) - Zagreb Film, Herts-Lion International Corp.

-代用品The Substitute

1962(35th)The Hole - Storyboard Inc., Brandon Films - John Hubley and Faith Hubley

-洞The Hole

1963(36th)The Critic - Pintoff-Crossbow Prods., Columbia - Ernest Pintoff

-評論家The Critic

1964(37th)The Pink Phink - Mirisch Films, DePatie-Freleng Enterprises, United Artists - David H. DePatie and Friz Freleng

-粉紅色的芬克The Pink Phink

1965(38th)The Dot and the Line - Sib Tower 12 Productions, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Chuck Jones and Les Goldman

-線戀點 The Dot and the Line

1966(39th)A Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass Double Feature - Paramount - John Hubley and Faith Hubley

-赫伯·阿爾帕特和提加納·布拉斯雙重特點 A Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass Double Feature

1967 (40th) The Box (short) - Brandon Films - Fred Wolf

-盒子(短片) The Box (short)

1968 (41st) Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day - Walt Disney Productions, Buena Vista Distribution - Walt Disney (posthumous win)

-小熊維尼與大風吹Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day

1969(42nd)It's Tough to Be a Bird - Walt Disney Productions, Buena Vista Distribution - Ward Kimball

-做壹只鳥真不易 It's Tough to Be a Bird

1970(43rd)Is It Always Right to Be Right? - Stephen Bosustow Prods., Schoenfeld Films - Nick Bosustow

-總是對的就是對的嗎? Is It Always Right to Be Right?

1971(44th)The Crunch Bird - Maxwell-Petok, Petrovich Prods., Regency Films - Ted Petok

-嘎喳嘎喳的鳥 The Crunch Bird

1972(45th)A Christmas Carol - American Broadcasting Company - Richard Williams

-聖誕頌歌A Christmas Carol

1973(46th)Frank Film - Frank Mouris Prod. - Frank Mouris

-弗蘭克影片Frank Film

1974(47th)Closed Mondays - Lighthouse Productions - Will Vinton and Bob Gardiner

-星期壹閉館Closed Mondays

1975(48th)Great - Grantstern, British Lion Films Ltd. - Bob Godfrey




1977(50th)The Sand Castle - National Film Board of Canada - Co Hoedeman

-沙堡The Sand Castle

1978(51st)Special Delivery - National Film Board of Canada - Eunice Macauley and John Weldon

-特別快遞Special Delivery

1979(52nd)Every Child - National Film Board of Canada - Derek Lamb

-每個孩子Every Child

1980(53rd)The Fly - PannóniaFilm, Budapest - Ferenc Rófusz

-蒼蠅The Fly

1981(54th)Crac - Société Radio-Canada - Frédéric Back


1982(55th)Tango - Film Polski - Zbigniew Rybczyński


1983(56th)Sundae in New York - Motionpicker Production - Jimmy Picker

-紐約冰激淩Sundae in New York

1984(57th)Charade - Michael Mills Productions, Sheridan College - Jon Minnis


1985(58th)Anna & Bella - The Netherlands - Børge Ring

-安娜與貝拉Anna & Bella

1986(59th)A Greek Tragedy - CineTe pvba - Linda Van Tulden and Willem Thijsen

-希臘悲劇A Greek Tragedy

1987(60th)The Man Who Planted Trees - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Frédéric Back

-種樹的牧羊人The Man Who Planted Trees

1988(61st)Tin Toy - Pixar - John Lasseter and William Reeves

-錫玩具Tin Toy

1989(62nd)Balance - Wolfgang and Christoph Lauenstein


1990(63rd)Creature Comforts - Aardman Animations, Channel 4 - Nick Park

-動物悟語Creature Comforts

1991(64rd)Manipulation - Daniel Greaves


1992(65th)Mona Lisa Descending a Staircase - Joan C. Gratz

-蒙娜麗莎走下樓梯Mona Lisa Descending a Staircase

1993(66th)The Wrong Trousers - Aardman Animations, BBC - Nick Park

-超級無敵掌門狗:褲子錯了 The Wrong Trousers

1994(67th)Bob's Birthday - Snowden Fine Animation, National Film Board of Canada, Channel 4 - Alison Snowden and David Fine

-鮑伯的生日Bob's Birthday

1995(68th)A Close Shave - Aardman Animations, BBC - Nick Park

-超級無敵掌門狗:九死壹生 A Close Shave

1996(69th)Quest - Tyron Montgomery and Thomas Stellmach


1997(70th)Geri's Game - Pixar - Jan Pinkava

-棋逢敵手Geri's Game

1998(71st)Bunny - Blue Sky Studios - Chris Wedge


1999(72nd)The Old Man and the Sea - Aleksandr Petrov

-老人與海The Old Man and the Sea

2000(73rd)Father and Daughter - Michaël Dudok de Wit

-父與女Father and Daughter

2001(74th)For the Birds - Pixar - Ralph Eggleston

-鳥!鳥!鳥!For the Birds

2002(75th)The ChubbChubbs! - Sony Pictures Animation, Columbia - Jacquie Barnbrook, Eric Armstrong and Jeff Wolverton

-恰蔔恰布The Chubbchubbs!

2003(76th)Harvie Krumpet - Australian Film Commission, Film Victoria, SBS Independent - Adam Elliot

-裸體哈維闖人生Harvie Krumpet

2004(77th)Ryan - Chris Landreth - National Film Board of Canada


2005(78th)The Moon and the Son: An Imagined Conversation - John Canemaker

-月亮和孩子The Moon and the Son: An Imagined Conversation

2006(79th)The Danish Poet - Torill Kove - Mikrofilm AS, National Film Board of Canada

-丹麥詩人The Danish Poet

2007(80th)Peter & the Wolf - Se-ma-for, BreakThru Films - Suzie Templeton

-彼德與狼Peter & the Wolf

2008(81st)La Maison en petits cubes - Robot & Oh! Production - Kunio Katō


2009(82nd)Logorama - H5, Autour de Minuit Productions - Nicolas Schmerkin


2010(83rd)The Lost Thing - Shaun Tan and Andrew Ruhemann

-失物招領The Lost Thing

2011(84th)The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore – Moonbot Studios - William Joyce and Brandon Oldenburg

-神奇飛書The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

2012(85th)Paperman – John Kahrs


2013(86th)Mr. Hublot

-哈布洛先生 Mr. Hublot



2015(88th)Bear Story


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