當前位置:律師網大全 - 專利申請 - 南京航空航天大學的柯世堂導師怎麽樣



姓名:柯世堂  性別:男  行政職務:

專業技術職務:副教授  辦公電話: 025-84891754  導師類別:碩士生導師

最後學歷:博士畢業  最後學位:博士  最後畢業學校:同濟大學

電子郵件: keshitang@163.com



二級學科名稱:結構工程(招收碩士研究生)  學科代碼11: 081402






*研究成果:發表期刊和會議論文70余篇,其中SCI收錄8篇,EI收錄40余篇。申請發明專利1項、軟件著作權1項。是國內外重要期刊《Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamic》、《Wind and structures》、《Structure Engineering and Mechanics》、《Engineering Structures》、《Journal of Fluids and Structures》、《土木工程學報》、《工程力學》、《振動與沖擊》、《空氣動力學學報》、《實驗流體力學》、《固體力學學報》、《建築結構學報》、《振動工程學報》、《湖南大學學報:自然科學版》和《中南大學學報:自然科學版》的審稿專家。







[1] S T Ke, Y J Ge, L Zhao, Y Tamura. A new methodology for analysis of equivalent static wind loads on super-large cooling towers[J]. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 2012, 111(3): 30-39

[2] S T Ke, Y J Ge, L Zhao, Y Tamura. Wind-induced Responses Characteristics on Super-large Cooling Towers[J]. Journal of Central South University of Technology. 2013, 20(11):3216-3227

[3] S T Ke, Y J Ge. The influence of self-excited forces on wind loads and wind effects for super-large cooling towers [J]. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 2014,132: 125-135

[4] S T Ke, T G Wang, Y J Ge, Y Tamura. Wind-induced responses and equivalent static wind loads of tower-blade coupled large wind turbine system. Structural engineering and mechanics, An International Journal. 2014, 52(3): 485-505

[5] S T Ke, Y J Ge, T G Wang, J F Cao, Y Tamura. Wind field simulation and wind-induced responses of large wind turbine tower-blade coupled structure. The structural design of tall and special buildings. 2014,

[6] X. X. Cheng, L. Zhao, Y. J. Ge, S. T. Ke, X. P. Liu. Wind Pressures on a Large Cooling Tower, Advances in structural engineering, in press

[7] L Zhao, X Chen, S T Ke, Y J Ge. Aerodynamic and aero-elastic performances of super-large cooling towers[J], Wind and Structures, 2014, 19(4): 443-465

[8] J. F. Zhang, H. Chen, Y. J. Ge, L. Zhao and S. T. Ke. Effects of stiffening rings on the dynamic properties of hyperboloidal cooling towers. Structural engineering and mechanics, An International Journal.2014, 49(5): 619-629

[9] S T Ke, L Zhao and Y J Ge. Equivalent static wind loading for large cooling towers[C].The 3st International Workshop on Equivalent Static Wind Loading,(NSFC-JST Cooperative Research Project). Beijing, China, May 29-30, 2011

[10] S T Ke, L Zhao and Y J Ge. Coupling Effects of Resonant Components of Aerodynamic Loads Acted on Hyperbolic Spacial Structures[C]. Seventh International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics & Applications. Shanghai, China, September 3-6, 2012

[11] S T Ke, Y J Ge, L Zhao. Evaluation of Strength and Local Buckling for Cooling Tower with Gas Flue[C]. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computational Structural Engineering. Beijing, China, August 8-10, 2009

[12] S T Ke, X A HOU. Calculation method and application of equivalent static wind loads on Hyperbolic cooling towers [C]. Chinese society of electrical engineering industrial cooling tower of the 2012 Annual Academic Conference Papers. Hainan, China, November 1-2, 2012

[13] J F Cao, T G Wang, S T Ke. Investigation of dynamic loads on large wind turbines based on the wake method[C]. Proceedings of IWEC 2013, the 5th International Workshop of Energy Conversion. Shantou, China, November 25-27, 2013

[14] L Zhao, S T Ke and Y J Ge. Extreme Value Estimation of Non-Gaussian Aerodynamic Series of Cooling Tower[C]. 16th IAHR Cooling Tower and Air-cooled Heat Exchanger Conference. Bensberg,Germany, June 20-23, 2012

[15] J F Zhang, S T Ke, L Zhao and Y J Ge. Re-recognition of the BSS Approach for Hyperboloidal Cooling Towers[C]. 16th IAHR Cooling Tower and Air-cooled Heat Exchanger Conference.Bensberg, Germany, June 20-23, 2012

[16] 柯世堂,趙林,邵亞會,葛耀君. Wavelet_Huang和Hilbert_Huang用於非高斯風壓信號分析的比較研究[J].土木工程學報. 2011, 44(6): 21-27

[17] 柯世堂,侯憲安,趙林,葛耀君.超大型冷卻塔風荷載和風振響應參數分析:自激力效應[J].土木工程學報. 2012, 45(12): 45-53

[18] 柯世堂,葛耀君.基於壹致耦合法的大型博物館結構風致響應精細化研究[J].建築結構學報. 2012,33(2): 23-29

[19] 柯世堂,趙林,葛耀君,張軍鋒.大型雙曲冷卻塔氣彈模型風洞試驗和響應特性[J].建築結構學報.2009, 31(2): 61-68

[20] 柯世堂,陳少林,趙林,葛耀君.濟南奧體館屋蓋結構風振響應和等效靜力風荷載[J].振動工程學報. 2013, 26(2): 41-48

[21] 柯世堂,王法武,周奇,周誌勇,趙林.等效靜力風荷載背景和***振之間耦合效應分析[J].土木建築與環境工程. 2013, 35(6): 114-119

[22] 柯世堂,王同光,趙林,葛耀君.風力機風振背景、***振響應特性及耦合項分析[J].中國電機工程學報, 2013,V33(24): 63-70

[23] 柯世堂,王同光,陳少林,等.大型風力機全機風振響應和等效靜力風荷載[J].浙江大學學報(工學版), 48(4): 686-692.

[24] 柯世堂,葛耀君,趙林.基於EMD和小波變換結構風振高階參振模態識別方法探討[J].哈爾濱工業大學學報. 2011, 43(4): 1569-1574

[25] 柯世堂,趙林,葛耀君.大型冷卻塔結構風振與地震作用影響比較[J].哈爾濱工業大學學報. 2010,42(10): 281-287




* 主持縱向課題:

1.主持國家自然科學基金青年基金(51208254),“復雜環境下超大型冷卻塔風振機理與等效靜風荷載研究”,經費: 25萬,起止時間:2013-2016

2.主持江蘇省自然科學基金(BK2012390),“超大型冷卻塔風振耦合機理及氣動抗風措施研究”,經費: 20萬,起止時間:2012-2015

3.主持廣東省高校結構與風洞重點實驗室開放基金(201301),“大型冷卻塔群多目標等效靜力風荷載研究”,經費: 2萬,起止時間:2013-2014

4.主持中國博士後基金壹等資助(2013M530255),“周邊幹擾下冷卻塔群抗風設計精細化研究”,經費: 8萬,起止時間:2013-2015


6.主持引進人才基金(YAH12010),“多目標等效靜力風荷載計算方法研究”,經費: 6萬,起止時間:2012-2014

7.主持國家自然科學基金培育基金(YAH12010),“核電超大型冷卻塔風振機理研究”,經費: 2萬,起止時間:2013-2014

* 主持橫向課題:


2.主持“臺州剛泰國際中心超高層建築群體風荷載風洞試驗與風振分析”(KFA13756),經費: 36萬,起止時間:2013-2014

3.主持“南京高淳電視塔與秀山地形風洞試驗與風振分析”(KFA14063),經費: 38萬,起止時間:2014

4.主持“蘇州吳江金茂中心超高層建築風荷載數值模擬研究”(KFA14078),經費: 8.5萬,起止時間:2013-2014

5.主持“內蒙古京能盛樂電廠超大型冷卻塔塔群風洞試驗與抗風抗震計算”(KFA14085),經費: 25萬,起止時間:2013-2014

6.主持“TDRRU隧道支架抗強風性能測試風洞試驗”(KFA14***),經費: 4.0萬,起止時間:2014

7.主持“超大型冷卻塔風振計算理論研究及風振軟件開發”,經費: 90.5萬,起止時間:2014-2016

8.主持“大型冷卻塔模態特性現場實測與抗風抗震動力影響評價”,經費: 140萬,起止時間:2014-2016

9.主持“MD6000/3000型濕煙氣低濃度煙塵儀前置加熱器進出口風速測試”,經費: 4萬,起止時間:2014

* 參與課題:





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