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Peter David Stevens

University of Texas at Austin

1 University Station - C2369

Austin, TX 78712

(512) 555-3454



Solicited Austin business professionals for donations and sponsorships of UT Crew, Club Hispanic, and George Bush Hall events.

Communications: Composed business news articles as an intern and authored editorial articles as a freelance columnist for the Texas Business Weekly.

Drafted professional letters for the Texas Bureau for Compliance Monitoring and a financial assistance proposal for the Austin Rotary Club in an academic internship with the Migrant Farm Workers Association.

Performed reading, writing, and speaking activities in Spanish while participating in a language immersion program in Costa Rica, a Latin American Studies trip in Guatemala, and a business internship program in Ecuador.

Multicultural: Developed integrated marketing plan for sale of services to Latin American municipalities through internship program in Ecuador.

Participated in Spanish immersion program in San José, Costa Rica, while living with a local family and attending a language school for one month.

Interacted with Mayan Indians to observe their cultural norms and study their language for two weeks through a Latin American Studies trip to Guatemala.

HONORS Who's Who Among Students in American Universities

National Honor Society: 4 Semesters

Dean's List: 4 Semesters

Honor Roll: 2 Semesters

ACTIVITIES Resident Assistant, UT Department of Residential Life

General Member, UT Alumni Association

Rower, UT Crew Team


The Cumulative GPA (Grade Point Average) is the calculation of all grades received while an undergraduate or a graduate student at the university.

意思就是平均分,美國的GPA滿分是4分,即A=4,B=3,C=2, D=1.GPA的精確度往往達到小數點後1到2位,如:3.0,3.45。GPA的計算壹般是將每門課程的學分乘以 學時,加起來以後除以總的學時,得出平均分。中國學校的分數設置壹般是百分制或五分制,具體的折合方式視不同的美國大學的要求而有所不同,壹般來講,百分制中的90分以上可視為4分,80分以上 為3分,70分以上為2分,60分以上為1分,五分制中的5分為4分,4分為3分,3分為2分,2分為1分。中 國許多大學的成績單上沒有學時,因此,GPA只能估算,可將所有課程的成績加起來後除以課程數。壹 般美國大學對於獎學金申請者的GPA要求是3.0以上。

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